allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


she swore that she could explain

mmm. i love being a waste of space.

i've been pretty worthless today. the most productive things i did besides go to class were buy the new issue of jane and talk to adam in french tonight. hell yeah.

the rest of the weekend went nicely. i never cleaned on saturday, but i did sleep a bunch and talk to will. then i finally got up and went to the flatirons mall and out to dinner with jose and dave and angelica. heh then we came back and watched "the family man" (which was extremely gay but still quite engaging), played drinking games at berto's party, and i stayed over at sterling when raf decided he was too depressed to go boarding.

i spent most of sunday being lazy with jose. ummm hmmm. ate chinese food with raf. went to chey ho and caught the end of "king of the hill" and then made rip go to jose's choir recital thing. i felt really weird when i had to talk to jillian....saw lots of random people i didn't expect to coffee at penny lane with jose and then came home...

ugh yeah. justin came over and it was weird. i just can't deal with his shit. i know i'm going to sound insensitive here, but a big reason i ended things with him was because i didn't want to be the one he laid all this emotional, heavy shit on...and i mean heavy shit....but on the other hand, what am i supposed to say? i guess i just can't relate. i get everything i want. i can admit that.

stopped by ron's after that and went to bed. yep. got to balance that melodrama with some superficial banter.

yeah so today. didn't have class until 1:00 so i slept really late. classes were gay. i hate recitations. they make me feel like such a nerd because i'm the only one who ever talks. i got an A on my news critique and my profile in journalism. i think my teacher resents me. i don't know how i'm going to do a "major rewrite" of one of my assignments when he can't find anything wrong with them. and yet it's like he's mad at me because i'm good enough. i want to be friends with him for some reason. hmmm.

anyway. i chilled with rip for a bit after class then came home and read my mail and such. ooh i get a free ticket to the lion king for having a high gpa. hah. anyone want it? when i was walking home from chey ho i saw this smashed up car they had out for alcohol awareness week. it kind of shocked me...i was really disturbed. somehow it seemed inappropriate.

tonight i watched "down to earth" with ron. it was pretty funny. then i had kind of an awkward convo with him, but whatever.

why do boys like me?

10:53 pm - 2002-03-11


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