allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


argyle heir

music: the emo diaries, chapter II

i suck.

i wish my room would magically finish cleaning itself and that my clothes would magically launder themselves and that my body would magically shed 20 lbs and that i would magically meet mr. right and that review sheets would magically make themselves for me.

this week is going to be so stressful, and it just kind of surprised me out of nowhere.

my lips taste like cake batter...i guess "cupcake" is an apt title for the lipgloss i'm wearing.

i'm losing respect for myself i think.

why do guys only want me for booty calls arghhh?

and even the one i thought would never stop liking me (in the genuine sense) is now finding another (might i add quite unattractive) person to fill that niche.

why am i jealous of that? i don't even like him. damnit and it's not like i wasn't doing the same thing last night.

yes being cryptic is fun.

random thought: why is the lighting in dressing rooms always really unflattering? i mean you would think that store owners would want the lighting to be really flattering (or at least natural) so clothes would look good on people and they would buy them.


5:47 pm - 2001-12-11


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