allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


they don't know you anyway

sometimes it seems like everyone is falling in love except me.

nashville sucks. i want to go back to school. actually it's the end of the summer i always thought that it would be so cool if i could bring all my friends and family to boulder. i didn't think i'd actually miss the city. but now, though there are a handful of people i'd like to be able to see more often, i realize that all i really miss usually is the city itself. rainy nights. sunsets. the whole beautiful ugliness of the town itself. even my car. i guess it comes down to the fact that people are sometimes more easy to forget about. for me anyway, today anyway.

i'm just mad at my parents for being dickheads, mad at my older brother for deciding to marry some girl i've never ever met and for not marrying elisha, mad at everyone for just....being. i don't know.

i could list all the things i've been doing or the people i've seen, but that isn't very interesting. new year's was pretty good, christmas sucked but only because i was mad at my family for being a bunch of materialistic whores. in general i've had fun, watched a lot of good movies, smoked a lot of good pot, drank several bottles worth of red wine, etc etc. probably gained weight from strange eating habits and lack of movement due to car usage. i can't really tell.

i also can't really think of anything exciting to say. i finally talked to will today. jacob is moving tomorrow. all these youngins are getting married. it's crazy.

my bday is on monday. i turn nineteen, the most worthless age ever. except maybe like 47 or something.

holy shit i can't believe i've had this thing for almost a year. our kid's scene pic is in the scene this week. i started interning for them a year ago. crazy, crazy shit.

oh yeah. pavement slept on my older brother's floor when they came to play here a long time ago. heh. i wish cool shit like that would happen to me.

well now it's time to drown my sorrows in marijuana and see the royal tenenbaums. kickass.

"just a nobody girl / with a radar to the scene" ~ryan adams

4:59 pm - 2002-01-04


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