allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


breathe you in

alright, i've had enough of this.

i need some goddamn love and affection. to do list:

-get a guy who is actually nice to me

-make him my damn boyfriend.

heh that shouldn't be too hard, right?

last night i read like every single one of becca durnin's diary entries...heh i know that sounds kind of psycho but it turns out she's way cooler than i thought and i wish i had been friends with her in high school or something. anyway she kept talking about david mead, so i busted out "the luxury of time", since i bought it over break and pretty much hadn't listened to it yet.

basically the reason i bought it was for "breathe you in", which is like the sappiest song ever, but i love love love it and i've been listening to it on repeat for the last 12 hours or so heh.

i guess that's why i want to fall in love.

11:03 am - 2002-02-04


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