allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


love and happiness

i just shed a gigantic coat and feel about 25 lbs and i ate at the sink, where i severely overestimated my hunger...

stomach hurts...merrrr.

forgot to say this when i was still trashed last night and writing that entry:

it really sucks to go to a party when you're already "with" someone. especially a big football player who looks like he could kick some serious ass. especially when you aren't really "with" that person. merrr.

heh then after i wrote that entry i spilled crystal light all over the floor and apparently when my roommate came in (heh at 6:00 in the morning), i was like "oh i spilled that and i can't figure out how to clean it up because i'm drunk so i'm just going to clean it tomorrow" and then i talked about it for like five more minutes heh...and then i passed out or something.

the details are fuzzy.

8:30 pm - 2002-02-10


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