allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


one time, at band camp...

gee who knew i would actually get a reply to that last entry.

i just went to the gayest thing ever. it was this bullshit drug-awareness floor meeting thing. i think we had it because my RA (along with like 5 other RA's from buck and arnett) got fired for drinking a couple days ago...mmm...i was considering applying to be an RA, but no thanks.


i was told that i look like liv tyler on two separate occasions today, and that was cool. though she's definitely who i get told i look like the most (heh even though i don't), it's still cool to hear it.

my feelings toward my journalism teacher have made me realize that there is a very fine line between wanting to kill a man and wanting to have sex with him (heh, don't freak out, he's only like 24)....

so here's this survey i've filled out like once a year since i was in eighth grade....funny how much i don't really change.

name: cat

fav flower: violets and daisies and red roses (i like flowers a whole lot)

fav color: violet or lavender, but sometimes light blue or the color of merlot

fav grade in school: probably my freshman year of high school

first crush: my ken doll?

fav store: mmm probably urban outfitters or a nashville record store

one pillow or two: well, one of my favorite things about my bed at home is that i have four i would prefer two over one, but as many as possible is preferable

pancakes or french toast: pancakes with strawberries on them

fav thing to do on friday night: make out, smoke pot, drink red wine, go to a good show, or any combo of the four

fav poster: i love all of my posters but prob. my fave in my room in boulder is a sexy pic of james dean and my fave in my room in nashville is the ok computer poster

fav t.v. station: late night comedy central all the way

fav radio stations: i don't really listen to the radio but probably the college station both here and in nashville

pepsi or coke?: diet coke with lemon, though right now i'm drinking diet pepsi twist...actually fuck it all, i prefer green tea

fav shampoo and conditioner: bumble and bumble

fav line from a movie: hehe "i'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars" ~the big lebowski

fav thing to do alone: waste money, waste time, sleep, listen to music, loiter in coffee shops, paint, read

best lesson you've ever learned: "pimpin' ain't easy, but it sho' is fun"

last stuffed item given to you (other than food): liz gave me a bright pink cheshire cat pretty recently

fav scented candle: heh ummm...i have this one with rose petals in it that i like a lot, but i can't have any candles in my dorm room. wait actually i have a bunch of freestanding red candles in my bathroom that look pretty cool, but i dunno what scent they are.

fav card game: go fish, strip poker

fav flavor of ice cream: does rainbow sherbert count?

last concert attended: mmm the strokes maybe? stephen malkmus? i dunno.

fav thing to do for a friend who needs cheering up: make out with them, smoke pot with them, give them a mix cd or something

fav hat/cap: none, can my devil horns or cat ears count?

fav sports team: the ravens

fav disney movie: alice in wonderland

fav talk show: does howard stern count?

fav game show: the price is right

fav guys name: luke

fav girls name: chloe

fav movie: rushmore

fav candy: i really tend to enjoy anything that involves chocolate

fav life experience: high school?

nicknames: cat, catrina, BT, miss rip...that's all i can think of right now

fav pet: my one and cat michael(angelo), after the ninja turtle of course

best friend in the world: liz

boyfriend or girlfriend(yes or no): you would think that would be an easy one to answer...

name of him or her: anyway

why do you like your boyfriend/girlfriend: i said "anyway"....

best qualities in a person: imagination, intelligence, honesty, creativity, sponteneity, passion

are you romantic: at times

why or why not: i tend to mask my emotions...(heh this one has been the same for five years)

what school you go to: cu-boulder

fav tv shows: the simpsons, king of the hill, southpark, howard stern...strangers with candy, beavis and butthead, and sifl and olly were also good

fav place to go anywhere in the world: nashville probably (isn't that crazy?)

do you usually start fights or do you just get involved in them: i tend to start them. actually i thrive on them.

do you have to have the last word: mmmhmmm

fav kind of gum: big red

dogs or cats: cats : )

big group or small group: small group

being alone or being in a group: i kind of prefer doing most things alone

fav kind of car: well right now any kind would do, but my ultimate is a good condition mid-70's wine colored mercedes with camel colored leather interior

fav cartoon: the simpsons

fav junk food: mmm well pretty much most of my favorite foods can be found in vending machines, so it's kind of hard to say. i guess aside from that, velveeta shells and cheese or ramen noodles.

health nut or snack queen (or king): surprisingly, lately i've been on a health kick and eating lots of raw vegetables hehe

most important people in your life: myself, my friends

are these surveys gay: my previous response: "i didn't know a survey could be a homosexual..."; my new response: you bet they are.

ok i'm not going to workout tonight so i should at least start my homework. damnit.

7:35 pm - 2002-02-11


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