allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


it's colder than it ought to be in march

ah, the first day of spring...and i was greeted with a blizzard. heh. too bad yesterday it was tank top and shorts weather. colorado can be so weird sometimes.

the bright eyes and wilco show was so good. that whole day was good, despite the fact that i spent most of it frantically doing laundry and studying sociology. there were fun parts too. i got coffee with jose, i went to that show, laura and berkeley and i decided for sure on the apartment for next year, ron decided he doesn't hate me anymore...etc etc :)

anyway back to the concert. macky is a surprisingly cool place to have a show. it was also nice being in the second row. and goddamn, conor is really hot. i realized he's like the kind of guy i wish i had been friends with in high school and always had a crush on. someone i would have met at indienet or something. his speaking voice reminded me a lot of mikey's. so yeah. my only complaint about the set is that it was waaay too short. i think bright eyes may be one of my favorite bands these days.

wilco was also good, better than i expected them to be. i thought the first encore they did was the best part of their set. the lead singer kind of reminded me of a kind of chubby version of ed from cafe coco. and speaking of cafe coco and resemblences, there was a guy taking pictures who could have been ricky's body double. heh there was also a crazy woman dancing all over the aisles who looked a lot like my mom, except not trophy wifed-out (she had brown hair).

oh yeah i also finally gave matt the mix cd i made him forever ago and he gave me a not one, but two cd set as well. very nice. had to top the last one eh? hehe.

so yeah. concert=good. yesterday sucked my imaginary dick. i woke up early, edited my paper some more, studied more sociology, went to class, studied sociology, went to more class, went to a journalism meeting and studied sociology at the same time, came home hoping dave would forget we were supposed to study together, had to go back to chey ho when dave called, studied more sociology, and so on until he had a hockey game, i ordered pizza, studied even more sociology, and then died :) i also found out we're leaving for spring break on FRIDAY and not saturday...eeek when am i going to pack? oh well at least it was nice outside and laura was in littleton for the night so i had the room to myself (heh even though it was only for the few hours of sleep i got).

this morning i slept late so i didn't really get to study much more, but oh well. i took my test and as usual it was fine heh. then i ate way too much tofu than my stomach could handle and finished my anthropology lab questions and pre-lab. now i'm wasting time and waiting for my last class...merrr to life.

i hope i get to see jose tonight.

1:15 pm - 2002-03-21


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