allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


where the kissing never stops

just got home from mexico. here is what i learned during my stay:

(1) mexicans love me

(2) mexicans love my boobs

(3) my boobs can get me ludicrous amounts of mardi gras beads

(5) i hate mixed drinks and i'm definitely a red wine kind of gal

(6) the us has much better hotel rooms

(7) clubs in mexico are way nicer, bigger, and more fun than clubs in the caymans

(8) smoking too many cigarettes will make you want to die

(9) i can booty dance better than you, and chug more beer too

(10) no vacation to a hedonistic locale is quite complete without a certain liz edwards

(11) i want to learn how to speak spanish

(12) all the girls from my school are retards

(13) same goes for all the girls from u of minnesota, but they like to get naked for money too

(14) skanky guys love me

(15) skanky guys love my boobs

and since i forgot a number 4 because i'm retarded from vacation...the additional fact is that i missed jose a whole hell of a lot, damnit.

i'm getting sick, i can just feel it.

1:30 pm - 2002-03-30


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