allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


fish taco is like a double negative, like vagina vagina

mmm i'm tired. but for some reason i can't sleep without writing. merrr. i don't know what spawned this obsession with diary-writing in college. i didn't even write all summer...i guess i'm just bored a lot.

damn i swear i wrote an entry on saturday...but i guess i didn't. i probably had a dream about it heh. wait no i remember i wrote in it last night before i went out...what happened to my entry??? damnit!

well anyway, after we got stoned at chey ho, jose and i went back to his place and finally watched "donnie darko." it was so fucking good....i think it's my new favorite movie. i need to watch it again un-stoned though, because even though it made complete sense at the time and i didn't feel that fucked up when i was watching it, i feel like i barely remember any of it. this is random, but another movie i want to watch again is "ma vie en rose." i was sober when i watched it, but i remember i thought it was really anyway. i'm rambling as usual.

so yesterday was bomb diggity. kind of anyway. i got up early and got my hair cut (heh barely...not having long hair scares me very much at this point in my life) and went shopping. from urban outfitters i bought a sexxxy cigarette case (uh, for my id and money and stuff, i swear....heh), two more of my favorite camisoles in white and light blue (i'm's kind of scary), and some funky turquoise bead earings...i also got an application yay. then i went to trident for the best drink ever--blackberry italian soda. and because i'm also addicted to purchasing books, i got "dubliners" by james joyce and an anthology of beat writing. then i went to max, intending to purchase a pair of seven jeans. so i tried on a bunch and didn't even really like them....but then i tried on a seven jeans skirt and it was way bootylicious so i bought it on the spot. not to mention for some reason the size i wear in skirts tends to be way smaller than the size i wear in anything else...and that just rules. so to top off my day with myself (the best kind sometimes), i got a french manicure and a pedicure from the asian gang members again heh.

after that i headed over to chey ho, poked some smot in grady and pete's room, and ordered food from the sink with rip. yum. i'm a fat ass.

blah blah, came home, got all hoed out in my new skirt and my fave black fcuk sweater thing and my fave painful heels etc etc.

went to devin's, drank some beer, smoked some pot, listened to him tell me we're right for eachother, got a random call from greg essig, got picked up by raf and went to paris on the platte in denver, went back to his place and literally passed out in two seconds....i was beyond tired for some reason.

so then when i woke up this morning, my eyes were covered with crust and really red and swollen. raf said i looked like an ugly version of bjork heh. thanks man. luckily they're finally better, but it took most of the day for them to calm down. heh too bad i slept like all day though.

tonight i finally got up and showered and such, then went to dave's play with jose. it was really fucking cool...some people wrote the script at like 8 last night, then they started practicing it at 8 this morning, and performed it at 8 tonight...and it was really good too. damn. after that we went to buchanan's and went back to sterling and listened to dave #2's crazy talk. blah blah blah.

came home. didn't study. had a nice talk with cara on the internet....i miss chilling with her in the halls of hh and crackhouse apartments and stuff.

maybe nashville could be fun. i just don't know how much i want to go back.

heh, um ps: the title of my entry is a paraphrase of a quote by christina applegate in this month's rolling stone hehe

12:30 pm - 2002-04-08


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