allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


it's just like being with you

another survey stolen from raf...

1. what helps you get started every morning?

mmm, well ever since my alarm clock broke (it was thrown on the ground too many times), either my roommate or my cell phone alarm usually wake me up...i don't really get started until i take a shower though.

2. what is the most memorable thing anyone has ever made for you?

this is ultra-random, but probably the phish mix tape keith lowen made for me the summer before high fueled an obsession (with phish, not keith) that lasted several years longer than i'd like to admit hehe....

3. what music are you currently listening to in your car?

mmm well my car is back in good ole nashville, tennessee...but earlier today i listened to "unsolved" by karate while walking around campus.

4. what is one "splurge" you allow yourself, even when you shouldn't?

splurge is a gross word, right up there with "moist" and "uterus" but yeah...getting my nails done, buying clothes and cds, eating food that's horribly bad for me, smoking pot? i dunno...i don't usually prevent myself from "splurging" heh.

5. have you ever been given a "second chance?" what happened and did you make the most of it?

um i dunno, maybe. i probably fucked it up though because i can't really remember.

6. do you have a lot of friends outside of your own ethnic background?

yeah heh compared to the amount of diversity there is at my school anyway...

7. what was the last situation that really, really pissed you off?

i dunno, i get really, really pissed all the time heh. last night i had a dream that i got a 79 on a journalism paper though...i was really, really pissed off in my dream...

8. who's your friend when things get rough?

pot? liz? rip? a good book?

9. where would you love to be right now?

i have a cafe coco craving actually.

10. who would you want to hang out with today?

well today is just about over...but it would be nice to see liz since we haven't seen eachother since xmas. i wish boston wasn't so freaking far away.

11. what's the most embarrassing clothing item you wore as a kid?

ehhh ummm...probably something spandex. i was fat but i was way into leggings and bike shorts and such.

12. what do you daydream about?

being hot, being in love, having a cool career, this summer, having an apartment next year, jose, my friends, everything...

13. who are some celebrities you'd like to date?

conor oberst is the first to come to mind.

14. what are you proudest of?

uh getting good grades maybe? no, it probably involves my writing/journalistic accomplishments...probably the letter bruce dobie wrote to my dad saying i was the best intern the scene ever had. that ruled.

15. what kinds of things do you draw when you're bored?

eyes, faces, your mom

16. what is your earliest memory?

like raf's it was kind of an out of body experience. i remember seeing myself in a room in pre-school. i think it was the day my brother way born. i was wearing yellow overalls and i remember seeing myself as very tall.

17. what was your first pet?

kitty the cat. he wasn't neutered and he was like raping all the chick cats in the neighborhood so we had to send him away. i was sad.

18. how did you find out about the birds and the bees?

damn, i don't even remember. probably liz.

19. what's your most overused word and/or phrase?

riiiiight, merrr, ehhh, mmm, mmmhmmm, ohhh-kayyy, goddd, damnit, goddamnit, wanna get high?

20. who was the first celebrity you ever had a picture of on your wall?

heh that would definitely have to be luke perry, aka "dylan" from 90210.

21. what is your favorite single of 2002 so far?

ummm yeah. i dunno. i've been listening to "new slang" by the shins a ton, but that was a product of 2001.

22. what's the worst clothing item you actually wear?

heh maybe my abercrombie "ex-cheerleader" shirt....i'm not quite sure what posessed me to buy it, and yet i still wear it more than occasionally.

23. what's the shortest time you've ever dated someone?

heh i dated roland bell for like one week when i was a freshman, then i told him i felt we didn't know eachother well enough to be dating, so he started calling me even more, i moved on to older and skankier guys, and eventually he spread horrible rumors about me. gotta love high school.

24. what's been the slowest day of your life ever?

i think it was the first day i interned for shoshanna. i didn't know anyone yet and i was trying so painfully hard to look stylish. i had to walk miles and miles in like 4 inch heeled boots. i remember at one point i was doing an errand (one of like two million) and it started raining and i seriously just started crying right there....i was just like "what the fuck, why am i walking down fucking fashion avenue in the freezing cold rain? i hate new york, get me the hell out of here." anyway got better.

25. what's your opinion of people who lie about their age?

ummm well i used to do it a lot when i was was funny i thought. ricky lied to me about his age this summer and i thought it was kind of sketch...but obviously i got over it.

26. if you met yourself as a 10-year-old, what would you think of yourself?

i would feel sorry for myself. heh when i was 10 i was a depressed fat ass.

27. who are your biggest fashion inspirations?

ehhh ummm myself? actually a lot of it came from the month i worked in new york....but i don't care as much about that kind of shit anymore. my clothes have to be a lot more practical here.

28. if you were president, what would be the first law you would pass?

fuck the political system. oh yeah i did have that one idea about killing all the arabs and the jews so they couldn't fight with eachother anymore. heh just kidding...i know i'm gonna offend someone with that one.

29. if someone unexpectedly came to your house, what would you most likely be doing?

reading a book, reading a magazine, sleeping...actually probably wasting time on my computer.

30. would you ever consider plastic surgery?


31. what was your favorite childhood toy?


32. which product would you love to advertise?

raf...maybe i could get him laid.

33. what's in your trash can?

old magazines, lint roller things, food wrappers, stuff...

34. how do you let others know when you're po'd?

it's pretty obvious. i probably won't talk to you. or i might just yell at you a lot.

35. when was your last kiss? who was it? how was it?

jose, last night around 11 pm outside of my dorm, pretty freaking nice.

36. have you ever been sent out of class?

nah, i'm too much of a front row center sitting goody goody.

37.what skill have you been wanting to learn but have just kept putting off?

italian, spanish, martial arts stuff, how to cook more things, how to sew...ummm yeah. how to be a nice person?

38. what was your favorite saturday morning cartoon when you were growing up?

i tended to gravitate more towards bob ross.

38. is there any specific pet that you've wanted but never had? why?

a garrett ferret. heh i dunno. it would just be funny.

39. what was the worst date you ever went on?

i dunno, i never really go on dates.

40. what was the first music album you ever bought (tape, CD, LP, whichever or all of the above)?

the soundtrack to "wayne's world" was the first tape...i thought ace of bass was the first cd, but i think my aunt gave me "under the pink" by tori amos earlier than that.

41. what color dominates your closet?

wine-ish colored things are probably most prevalent.

42. if you had a day to yourself, what would you do?

lay in my bed at home listening to incredible music, drinking an entire bottle of wine by myself and smoking cigarettes...yup.

43. where do you like to shop for clothes?

urban outfitters and the gap are probably where i get most of them.

44. how many times have you dyed your hair?

so many...but i'm all natural these days.

45. shave or wax?

hah everyone knows about my waxing experiences. once you wax, you never go back.

46. do you like to dance?

only if i'm in mexico.

47. are you a skirt, pants or jeans person?

jeans i guess. sometimes i wear skirts or pants too though.

48. what's your middle name?

briggs, after my uncle...

49. where do you want your family to be in 5 yrs?

ummm alive (yeah sounds good)...i hope my brother goes to cu.

50. name one of your favorite memories of dancing with someone (the person, the song, the feelings...)

an anonymous mexican, anonymous mexican techno, sluttiness...heh.

51. how many names are on your buddy list? care to share your username?

i have like 150 on catxspice, but only 67 on acrossxthexsea.

52. what is the longest you've had to hold it before you could get to a bathroom? what's the story there?


53. at what age would you consider yourself as "old?"

i guess i'll see someday.

54. how old were you the first time you had sex?

i'm a virgin. heh not.

55. what's the most unusual place you've ever had sex?

heh. i wouldn't write it on here.

56. best song to play over and over after a breakup?

god i dunno, something emo.

57. song that reminds you of the good times in high school?

heh probably something by blink 182.

58. song that reminds you of your mother?

"got a pothead mama..."...heh you know that song ethan hawke sings in "reality bites?" actually probably something by james taylor.

59. song that reminds you of your father?

that "i keep on dancin'" song (heh adam knows what i'm talking about) or really anything from the 50's, anything by the beach boys...

60. song you'd like to dance to at your fictional wedding to your current celebrity crush?

"easy living" by billie holiday is what i want played at my wedding, but not to a fucking celeb.

61. best song to crank while driving 80 miles an hour on the open highway?

"life is a highway?" heh i dunno.

62. song that makes you giggle to even think about?

"downloading porn with dave" by the moldy peaches

63. song that never ever gets old, no matter how many times you hear it?

"crash" by dmb heh.

64. song that everyone else loves, but you hate?

the radio shit...yup.

65. have you ever thought a different zodiac sign would be better suited to your personality?

i used to think so, but i'm so totally a capricorn.

66. do you have more love in your heart or ideas in your head?

definitely ideas in my head at this point in time.

67. what�s one thing about yourself you just don�t understand?

i dunno, i'm pretty obsessed with myself.

68. have you ever played the air guitar or headbanged? that beavis and butthead phase liz and i went through.

69. considering the sudden upsurge in teen-oriented movies, what�s something the creators just can�t get right?


70. do you focus more on the past, present, or future?

i tend to not appreciate things until they're in the past.

71. what cologne or perfume do you wear?

eau de "cocoslut" heh. it's called coco cabana. sometimes i steal laura's fcuk stuff. that smells damn good too.

72. what smell do you like that others might consider weird?

i love the smell of oil paint and medium. and the smell of libraries...old books.

73. if you were asked to teach a class at a university what would you teach?

how to fucking write an essay. no one at this school can write for shit.

74. what do you wish you had invented and why?

your mom.

75. have you ever been caught masturbating? by who? did they know what your were up to? did you stop or finish?

heh no but i caught my little bro once...ew.

76. who is the worst actor/actress in Hollywood today?

i don't even know.

77. if you joined the make out club what would your profile be like? and what picture would you use?

heh too bad i already did a long time ago. my profile just has a quote and a pic of my face.

78. what would your super power be if you were a super hero?

to be able to read peoples' minds.

79. what's the furthest you have gone with another woman?


80. do you have attached or free-hanging earlobes?

attached. recessive traits are sexy, damnit.

81. you've just won a complete collection of movies starring one actor - what actor would you pick?

i like john cusack a lot.

82. what movie could you watch over and over again and not get sick of?

it's all about "rushmore."

83. what religion were you raised with?


84. top 5 movies you watch all the time:

ummm well in college, let's see...

1. half-baked

2. dazed and confused

3. rushmore

4. dumb made for tv shit

5. shit

85. wow many cd's do you currently own?

ummm way too many. i can't fit anymore in my room.

86. what cd do you have most in your cd player?

always changing. right now i'm playing "keep it like a secret" by bts.

87. what beverages do you usually have in a typical day?

water, hot chai, odwalla juice, italian sodas, diet coke...those are the main ones.

88. white bread or wheat bread?

it's all about the wheat bread.

89. the osmond family or the jackson five?

how bout the fucking osbournes? heh.

90. the strokes or the white stripes?

white stripes

91. how closely related are sex and love? how far apart are they?

it's all relative, baby.

92. color of the shirt you are presently wearing?

black like raf's soul.

93. ever shoplift anything in your life?

heh only a lighter with the bud frogs on it...7th grade on a church ski trip heh.

94. when was the last time you were terrified?

when i had a dream about being on a capsizing ship last night.

95. has your diary ever been found by someone you've written about?

um maybe? i usually keep it pretty g-rated.

96. do you think there's a big difference between online and offline diaries and if so, what do you think these differences are?

this isn't a true reflection of myself.

97. look in your vcr, is there a movie?

"army of darkness".

98. who was the last person you yelled at?


99.when was the last time you smiled all day?

probably when the jose thing started up.

100. do you like stuffed animals?

yup. i have a siamese cat my mom gave me and a cheshire cat liz gave me on my bed.

goddd. thank god i'm done.

12:52 pm - 2002-04-09


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