allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


incoherant ramblings

mmmm i'm all snuggled up in my warm blanket...because since i left the window open all night, it's reeeeally cold in here (that's a serious first)...

luckily i took a shower last night so now all i have to do is watch the minutes go by until it's 9:15 and i can leave for my anthro class. blah.

so last weekend was pretty good. saw pedro the lion for the second time this year on friday...not as good of a show because it was pretty much only new stuff that i didn't recognize, but at least i thought damien jurardo (sp?) was good...went to denver diner afterwards...came home early, talked to jose for a long time, ran into ron and got super blitzed with him, watched "wayne's world" and listened to nirvana. heh i just said blitzed. but seriously, i think i was more stoned than i've ever been :)

oh yeah. i also got the first boards of canada and american analog set cds that afternoon and saw cyrus on the hill. ewww. anyway.

i essentially wasted saturday, for whatever that's worth. i woke up not so early and began the day on an off note...smoked a cig with aj heh. anyway basically all i did was sleep, talk on the phone, talk on aol, talk on the phone, get the picture. finally i got off my ass and saw "code unknown", this fairly odd yet i suppose alright french movie, with matt and jose. i don't think any of us really got it heh. then we bought the cheapest, most gigantic bottle of red wine possible and went back to jose's and drank it/watched "grosse point blank" fun.

on sunday i spent the day doing nothing as well, but at least i got some work done at night. i eventually went and got coffee with jose and then went with him to the library and did my music paper. yay for me. of course to reward myself, i wasted mucho sleeping hours hanging out with aj and then at some point getting high...and not going to bed until like 5 am hehe. it was a pretty wild and crazy night. at one point aj's roommate imed laura pretending to be aj asking her to have sex w/him...but of course aj was in our room we convinced him we'd have a threesome with him and said we'd come downstairs in a min...then we put on towels over our shorts and strapless bras and went down there, only to be followed by aj a few minutes later. heh kip didn't know what the hell was going on.

yesterday was my last day of no work. it was a good day overall because i got to sleep late, i got an A on my philosophy paper, and my journalism class was canceled...i also finally got to chill with rip. then fairly early in the evening i went over to devin's and smoked a few bowls and got in his hot tub. fun fun fun. went to subway, came home, chilled with aj, wasted time and such, went to bed at a decent hour for once.

i think that's about all.

wonder what today has in store for me. shit it's may tomorrow, isn't it?

here is something i wrote on friday when the internet was being sheazy:

Some time past 12.

Bear with me; this day calls for nostalgia.

One year ago I was laying in bed with Raf, feeling kind of deviant in an innocent way. I couldn�t believe my parents would just let me come out here to visit and stay in his apartment�they had never even met him before. God, I had just broken up with Adam. I was excited just to get away, but from the moment we walked on campus, I knew I would like it here. I met Jose for the first time that day, too.

And now�365 days later�so much has changed in my life. It wasn�t as sunny this year, and I won�t be sleeping in Raf�s bed tonight�though at this point it wouldn�t be anything out of the ordinary. Jose is now my boyfriend; I woke up in his bed this morning. This year I went to my own class in Hellems, and I knew how to get to the Hill�how to get just about anywhere.

I ran into Cyrus today, which was a bit awkward�especially when we started talking to some of his law school friends and he kept saying things that made it sound like we were still involved. He�s so weird around other people. Well, besides Raj anyway.

So tonight Raf and Allison and Alika and I went to see Pedro the Lion. It�s kind of ironic that the September Pedro show was my first in college, and tonight�s show will probably be my last of the year. What�s even stranger is that both shows were at the Bluebird and both started early. Unfortunately we didn't get to meet David whatever his last name is again this time.

Anyway there's another difference lately. My tolerance for Raf is a lot lower than it once was. God I swear at some points tonight I was about to physically harm him...He was just getting to me so hardcore...Maybe it can be chalked up as mixed emotions about him transfering, but whatever. I don't even know....blah....(and then I got high heh)

damn microsoft word...always hatin' on incorrect capitalization :)

xoxo mes amis....


8:41 am - 2002-04-30


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