allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


bedroom dancing

so now that it's coming down to the line, i really don't want to end things with jose. but what else can i do? i know i'd fuck up a long-distance thing....and i don't even know if he wants a long-distance thing himself. raf says i'm fucked up because i haven't said anything to him yet, but it's kind of an awkward thing to bring up for some reason. i mean i just know that once i say "ummm i think we should take some time off this summer", it's going to be really weird between us. and i just want this last week or so to be good. why is that fucked up?

ugh ugh ugh. i'm so stressed out right now...not in the mood to study at all. ugh. oh, so it turns out that my anthro final isn't until monday. because of this, i haven't really started studying yet. mmm should i feel bad about that? i dunno. i should have at least done my laundry last night, but things got fucked up, and time just kind of slipped away from me.

yesterday was a good day though...a excellent last day of classes. jose spent the night on thursday and we stayed up kind of late talking about random shit, but i woke up not tired at all. i actually made an effort with my clothing choice, and came out looking not half bad. i got all of my shit done as far as making appointments at home and such...went to my first two classes and they weren't so bad. the best part of the day, however, was finally going to libby to the pizza place (excellent) and then playing frisbee with rip on farrand field. i thought my performance would be more hindered than usual (i was wearing a skirt and rip's much too large sandals), but i actually didn't do too bad...considering i suck at frisbee anyway :) it was way fun though.

i should play frisbee more often next year....heh i got a workout too from all of that running and jumping and catching and entire body is slightly sore today :) blah blah, anyway finally the sun exposure was making us retarded, so we went inside and watched blind date for awhile...then rip came to my journalism class with me to see my twin heh. all we did was get back our last papers and our final grades, and i got an A on both. yay. he wrote some kind of cryptic quote thing at the end of my paper, and rip said it meant he wants me. hahaha.

anyway. so yeah...then we met up with jose and tried to work out going to see spiderman with raf and allison but it didn't work out and yeah....

jose and i ended up going to my place and wasting time and stuff. we laid outside for awhile, but then it got kind of chilly. at some point, i dressed laura up as a ho in my clothes (we took pics heh) and yeah...then she and scott and jose and i went to the cheesecake factory and got you guessed it, cheesecake, and then went and got some coke and some rum. yum. came back here and watched "memento", passed out.

woke up today. at least i'm getting organized. too bad our damn room is a wreck again. shit i should go fill out my oak hill app. ugh hopefully i'll get my laundry done on tuesday night. life, i hate you.

3:34 pm - 2002-05-04


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