allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


fuck girlfriends

tonight i went out to dinner with melinda and adam and jacob, and then adam and jacob and i kidnapped my brother and went to the silent friction show.

i suppose the muse might have been a cool venue had it not been filled with hordes of underage females dressed in their best slutty pseudo-indie rock garb. i saw two girls wearing their belts backwards...guess it's the new trend, though i didn't find it as breathtakingly original as the kid we saw sporting mittens at the bright eyes show. all i have to say about teenyboppers is goddddddd. yeah. or something like that. it was funny watching all of them practically orgasm when matt bell started to get naked though.

yesterday was harpeth hall graduation. it was lame. everyone looked so goddamn beautiful in their dresses though. anyway, i ready to get out of there well before i actually got to leave. i guess seeing mills was the most depressing thing for me. it's kind of disconcerting when someone you once considered your best friend has developed a southern accent with a dash of ebonics for flava. she just seems so different; i feel responsible for corrupting her in the first place.

i watched "donnie darko" again last night, and it was very good of course. it made a bit more sense than it did when i watched it the first time...on weed heh. however, i did partake in a bit of vin rouge consumption hehe. red wine makes my world go round.

what else? i finished "out of the girls room and into the night", an excellent collection of short stories by thisbe nissen. read it especially if you like lesbians haha. she talks about them a whole lot.

the other day my brother and i watched "ghost world." i'd been meaning to watch it for awhile and i really enjoyed it...related to enid quite a bit i guess.

i've been bonding with greg a bunch these past few days. talking always makes me feel better. especially in cars. especially with good music. blah, wish i could rekindle a few more old friendships.

i'm about to go to bed. i've been talking to jose all night. didn't bring up anything about the breakup situation or whatever. god, why is it that even now i still feel like i can't be open with him? i'm retarded. we're just so much better as friends right now.

3:31 am - 2002-05-29


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