allmydreams's Diaryland Diary




i'm sitting here (looking quite sexy in leopard print undies) eating animal crackers and drinking mello yello. yum.

well any possible plans to go out at a decent hour this evening were thwarted when my inner martha stewart reared its ugly head and i decided to redecorate my room. hey, at least i finally changed my sheets and made my bed the right way. anyway, ma chambre is finally livable....which is probably a bad thing, considering my hermit tendancies as of late.

so after playing the mendoza line for way, way, way too long, i popped in the soundtrack to "storytelling." it's a shame that the film itself didn't quite live up to my expectations, but at least b&s did a lovely job with the music.

i don't really have much else to say. last night i did jack shit as well, until about 10:45 when i went to cafe coco for a bit with rip. i may head over there this evening as well...if i can muster up the desire to take a shower and get dressed, that is.

work was good today, especially since i got my paycheck a day early....except those bastards totally stiffed me and only paid me for 9 days...i was sick ONE freaking day and they robbed me! i think we should get at least one free day to miss work...i mean shit muthafucka, the CITs just sit on their asses doing nothing all day....they can step up to the plate and fill in whenever needed...anyway.

i met up with adam after i got off work and we went to waffle house for some coffee. i feel lots better about that situation...especially since now i know liz at least kind of knows about the events of the past month or so. anyway, adam and i need to cultivate a platonic friendship sort of thing right now....i just hope it will all work itself out.

ok i'm going to go take a shower, damnit....even if i end up just going to bed afterwards hehe.

9:45 pm - 2002-07-11


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