allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


i'm afraid i'm falling for you

oh i could just shoot myself for getting into all this.

i like him so much. and i'm leaving in a little more than two weeks. and i can't even bring myself to be that nice to him, to tell him he's freaking amazing. ugh.

hopefully starting school/getting a job/working out/likely smoking pot again will be good distractions once i get back to boulder.

i'm just gonna go with the flow...perhaps it's the best option i have anyway.

in other news: i got four inches cut off my hair today--i feel kind of naked, yet refreshed. hmmm. i also got my certificate for some smart people club i'm in. fancy. camp is over. i cried when i had to say goodbye to all my kiddies. i took most of my pants to get hemmed today. i'm determined not to ever wear heels again...i really hate them and only wear them because most of my pants are too this is panning out to be quite a mundane entry.

i have other things to say but i don't even know how to say them.

for better or worse, it's been a beautiful summer. hell, at least i finally got a tan.

10:44 pm - 2002-08-05


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