allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


what was this dream i had?

[01] what's your first name? catherine

[02] middle name? briggs

[03] last name? carroll

[04] nicknames? cat, cocoslut, gerber, kitten, BT, casper, snowflake...oh so many

[05] age? nineteen

[06] gender? chica, but recently my boy friends keep telling me i might as well be a guy

[07] birthday? january 7, 1983

[08] your sign? i'm such a motherfucking capricorn

[09] do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no, but for all practical purposes, my heart is taken

[10] if so what's her/his name? anyone who reads my diary should know

[11] fave stores? urban outfitters, target, all the little indie record stores in boulder and nashville

[12] what color is your hair? really dark brown

[13] what color are your eyes? currently blueish green, but naturally light green (i'm addicted to colored contacts)

[14] how tall are you? 5'5" on a good day

[15] do you smoke? yeah well...

[16] do your friends smoke? in nashville, about 99% of in boulder not so many.

[17] who are your closest friends? rip, matt, will, jason

[18] is your hair short or long? a bit on the long side

[19] do you like to shop? i'm so warped by consumerism

[20] what sports do you play? um, mud wrestling?

[21] what turns you on? a well-rounded cd collection, dunhill light cigarettes, cheap red wine, portishead, woody allen

[22] what turns you off? most people i go to school with

[23] what place do you go for fun? my bed (for sleep), my computer (for and instant messenger), target (for todd oldham dorm room heh), penny lane (for laughing at high schoolers and pretending i'm cool)

[24] what do you do for fun? sulk in my room, go to shows, talk to my lerve on the phone, drive around and loiter at various places with matt, chain smoke with rip, get wasted with my roommates, make fun of people...those kinds of things.

[25] how many phones do you have in your house? hmmm i guess we have five.

[26] how many tv's do you have in your house? one ghettophonic piece of shit

[27] what's your favorite kind of food? i dig the thai stuff, but i'm trying to abstain from "reckless eating" (heh)

[28] do you wish to be like your parents? yeah i hope that i'm still having sex and smoking pot when i'm a real adult heh.

[29] what cologne should a hot guy wear? i'm partial to hugo, but the scent of lever 2000 antibacterial moisture response suits me just fine.

[30] what are you listening to right now? "autumn sweater" by yo la tengo

[31] what time is it? 12:30

[32] how many hours per day do you spend talking on the phone? not even one unless i talk to jason

[33] do you have your own phone line? no

[34] have you ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? ehhh...yes.

[35] what are your favorite shoes? probably my rainbow flip flops

[36] what kind of clothes do you sleep in: my birthday suit

[37] what's your favorite soda? fresca

[38] what things do you say a lot? "damnit", "freakin'", "ehhh", "merrr", "riiiight", "and such", "perhaps", "balsam wood", "or something", "suuuure", "yeahhhh", "godddddddd"....that's about all.

[39] who is the coolest person in the world? i'm kind of partial to myself

[40] do you think you're weird or funny?uh, i'm kind of loopy...which makes me funny in a weird sort of way. i just blame it on the lack of oxygen here.

[41] who was the last person you called? jose

[42] who is the hottest girl/guy in your school? i don't see many guys here who are "my type"...probably that random guy we saw at tulagis last year, if he still goes here

[43] what are your favorite girl names? isobel, chloe, carolina

[44] what are your favorite guy names? james, lucas, mikey

[45] what's your worst memory in the past 5 years? mikey stuff

[46] what's your favorite childhood memory? getting pumpkins at earl's pumpkin stand in franklin every year

[47] do you have any brothers and sisters? 3 brothers, 1 sis

[48] if so, names? adams, chris, lucius, sarah

[49] do you have a pool? no

[50] what are you addicted to? music, cigarettes, coffee, lip gloss, physical contact

[51] do you like jewelry? yeah but i rarely wear it

[52] who has it easier, boys or girls? boys...though girls have it better.

[53] do you like to dance? only when i'm not in the US

[54] do you like playing pranks on people? yes, especially when they're in really poor putting fecal matter outside someone's car hehe

[55] what's your favorite subject in school? philosophy and anything that has to do with my major (journalism)

[56] what time is it? 12:45

[57] what school do you go to? university of colorado

[58] do you have a playstation or nintendo 64? nope

[59] if so, what are your favorite games? ummm???

[60] do you sleep a lot? yes, even though i'm turning into an insomniac

[61] what are your favorite radio stations? 1190 (the college station) and 105.1 (oldies)

[62] are you a morning person? um there's a reason why none of my classes start before 12...

[63] how often do you shower? daily

[64] do you get along with your parents? yeah, there's a void without me. my mom sent me various things to have a tea party with hahah. i love my parents.

[65] what room do you spend the most time in? um, mine

[66] how many rooms does your house have? 5 or 6, depending on whether or not you count the kitchen and living room as two rooms

[67] what do you wanna be when you're out of school? a sex kitten. uh i mean a journalist. or something.

[68] are you ticklish? ohmygod yes

[69] what are you wearing right now? a white camisole and white bikini undies

[70] do you go to church? i can't even remember the last time i did

[71] do you like the person who sent you this? i kind of stole it from e. yes i like her but i'm pissed she didn't come to cu.

[72] do you believe in love at first sight? perhaps

[73] what color tooth brush do you use? a sexxy clear phillip starck one

[74] what's your fave cartoon character? butthead

[75] what's your favorite fruit? cherries

[76] what's your favorite candy? twizzlers

[77] what was the best day of your life so far? god. i don't know. there have been a lot of good days, just read my diary.

[78] what did you do today? i woke up at 7 in the morning and made myself throw up twice (damn illegal pete's), went back to bed until about 12, fucked around on aol, went back to bed, got up and showered, went to target, went to penny lane and studied philosophy, came home and made soup, read the new seventeen, studied more philosophy, talked to aj on the phone, watched the new curb your enthusiasm, talked to jason on the phone, gave justin back his shirt, talked to jose on the phone, started to fill out this bitch...

[79] are you momma's little angel? my mom knows i'm fucked up, but i don't think she really cares

[80] are you wearing nail polish now? on my toes

[81] if so, what color? still that ocean-y color

[82] how many rings or necklaces do you own? um a ton, but i rarely wear them

[83] do you wear a watch? no

[84] are you tired? no, because it's night time. in the morning i will be exhausted.

[85] what are you thinking right now? i miss him, damnit.

[86] are you having fun? yes

[87] what time is it? 1:00

[88] who makes you laugh? i told you, i'm loopy, it's not so hard to make me laugh

[89] who's your favorite teacher? patti adler, my deviance in us society prof.

[90] what is the best concert you have ever been to? ahhh i dunno. summerland in 7th grade? (7 yr bitch, tracy bonham, everclear, spacehog hehe)

[91] what's your worst memory as a little kid? heh um maybe that time i drank old spice aftershave?

[92] do you think new kids on the block are coming back? i didn't even like them the first time, thankyouverymuch

[93] how many cd's do you have? 500+

[94] what cd's are in your cd player? ben kweller in my computer, the rentals in my cd player, the promise ring in my discman

[95] how many tapes do you have? i only have like 5 here

[96] are most of your friends music freaks? only a few of them. that's why i don't have much in common with them heh.

[97] what do you think of the girls and the whole teeny bopper thing? fine, whatever, but "sk8ter boi" crosses the line...

[98] if you could marry any famous person who would it be? fuck that

[99] friend(s) you go to for advice? rip, matt, allison, jason, laura...i dunno i tend to let it all out

[100] friend(s) you have the most fun with? depends on what we're doing

[101] friend(s) you can do nothing with and still have fun with? well most of the time we're doing nothing anyway....

do you prefer.....(i guess this is about boys?)

[102] boxers or briefs? boxer briefs are so sex

[103] long or short hair? short and all messed up

[104] dark or blonde? dark

[105] tall or short? tall

[106] mr. sensitive or mr. funny? mr. fucking asshole who is also sensitive and funny, but only to me

[107] dark or light eyes? usually light, but i make exceptions

[108] hat or no hat? nooo

[109] ears pierced or no? whatev

[110] rugged outdoorsy type or sportsy type? scrawny ass indie type

other stuff...

[111]Mt. dew or surge? i tried many highly caffeinated drinks this summer when i had to get up early to be a camp counselor, but i found plain old coke is best.

[112] coke or pepsi? diet coke, but recently i've been diggin' on the diet pepsi twist

[113] rather marry the perfect lover or perfect friend? i would sure as hell not marry anyone unless they were both

[114] sweet or sour? bitter fucking pill.

[115] tea or coffee? green tea or coffee with one sweet and low, please

[116] sappy/action/comedy/horror? raf says i don't like movies that more than ten people have seen.

[117] with or without ice-cubes? i love ice cubes these days. it's so american.

[118] milk/dark/white chocolate? it's fucking chocolate, i'll take any variety

[119] shine or rain? lately rainy days have been my faves

[120] favorite season? autumn

[121] strawberry or cherry? cherry

[122] cereal or toast? bran buds and yogurt

[123] night or day? late afternoon

[124] bunk bed or waterbed? my bed at home

[125] chewing gum or hard candy? gum

[126] what's your favorite game? seduction

[127] what's your favorite scent? clean

[128] what's your favorite shape? circle

[129] what is your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend like? his name is mr. jason belcher

[130] where is your dream date? it doesn't really matter as long as it's with my dream mate (ooh that rhymed)

[131] do you like to call or be called? these days i prefer being called

[132] move anywhere, where would it be? aix-en-provence, france

[133] what time is it now? 1:15

[134] lights on or off? i like the ambient lighting

[135] what's your favorite color? violet or a light blue or a wine-ish color

[136] what's your favorite drink? odwalla juice

[137] what's your favorite animal? cat

[138] what's your favorite holiday? halloween

[139] what's your favorite quote? i could find something clever, but i'm lazy. the lyrics to "breathe you in" by david mead are quite nice.

[140] what's your favorite sound? billie holiday's voice

[144] what's your favorite song ever? right now "a bigger city" by the mendoza line

[145] what's your favorite book? "lolita" by nabokov

[146] what's your favorite movie? annie hall

[147] what's your favorite tv show? curb your enthusiasm, the simpsons

[148] what time is it now? 1:25

i'm adding two questions to round this bitch out:

[149] what was the last retarded thing you did? well, you guys, let's just say putting palmolive (or any liquid dishwashing soap, for that matter) in the dishwasher is a really bad idea...unless you want to host a foam party in your kitchen.

[150] what time is it now, bitch? bedtime!!!

1:30 am - 2002-09-23


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