allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


marsha marsha marsha

i kind of wish boulder would flood like new orleans and then i'd have to evacuate and go home for a few days like ellen and leslie. of course that will never happen; in fact it's so fucking dry that we had to borrow water to lay the goddamn sod at my apartment complex.

i guess it's entirely possible that boulder could set on fire, though. but then all of my neat stuff might get burnt to a crisp, and that would not be cool.

i only went to one class today. i woke up this morning and after hitting the snooze button about a million times, i decided that i would skip my music class and my philo class. music is worthless, and philo is worthless AND the notes are yeah. i guess i'm good at rationalizing things like that.

i finally got up around 1:30 and pulled myself together. i decided to wear these jeans that i've had for sooo long...i think at least 4 or 5 years. they are the best fitting pants i'll ever own, but age has faded them into a rather ugly stonewashed color. hmph.

so i went to deviance. god i love that class....we got out like 15 minutes early too. there is one thing i have noticed though...i'm not sure if i've ever commented on it or not. anyway, even though the class meets in this behemoth of an auditorium, there are about a zillion people in the class and it's always essentially packed to full capacity. however, it seems that no one EVER sits next to me. i'm pretty sure that i smell quite nice, and i am certainly not the most unattractive person in the class, so i have come to the conclusion that i must look like a huge bitch or something. i've been told this before...i think it's the slightly jarring contrast between my dark hair and pale skin (though it's not the dead of winter yet, i'm still trying to ride this "tan" thing) that perhaps makes me look like someone who will probably not be nice to you. either that or the fact that i keep my headphones on until the very last moment possible. but damnit, i can be friendly. i think.

my room needs to get its ass in line. it's cleaning time!

3:58 pm - 2002-09-25


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