allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


my nasal passages are clear

in the cd player: "pretty together" by sloan

definitely feeling schlumpy today.

i fucking hate pms. my tits are swollen as hell, i'm bloated, i have cramps....goddd! the worst thing is that i don't even get bad pms every's just an occasional thing that likes to come and bite me in the ass.

in attempt to delay the essay writing process, i decided to look through all of my old pictures. damn, i was hideous in the beginning of high school. hmmm. anyway i was looking at pictures of myself from last thanksgiving and i looked really thin and it just sucks.

i want my long hair back, too.

this summer i was fatter than i am now, but i had a tan so in pictures you can't really tell. now i'm about as white as i can get. damnit.

and i have a bunch of zits right now....i don't care if people try to tell me otherwise. stupid hormones i hate you.

ok i'm done being superficial and retarded. i do have a paper to write, after all.

in more positive news: i've only smoked once in the past week and a half! yayyyyy!

3:33 pm - 2002-11-10


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