allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


all that she wants

musique: death cab for cutie, "coney island"

about thanksgiving break:

coming home has never felt like such a chore. usually, i have a mental list of places i have to go to whenever i come home...and i went to some of them this time, but i still feel like i was never really able to break away from everyone and do my nashville stuff independently. in part, this was because i had no car, but it was also because of thanksgiving and the bal d'hiver.

thanksgiving at the country club was a big let down (eh, not that i was expecting to have a good time or anything). all of my family came over to our house later on to eat turkey anyway, so i don't really understand why we had to go to belle meade in the first place. sadly, the highlights of my thanksgiving day were bringing a plate of food to the guard in my neighborhood and seeing "far from heaven" between family gatherings.

but, the day of the bal was far worse. i was so fucking stressed all day...i really hate getting that dressed up, especially when it requires a white dress. but seeing liz so much and not being able to talk to her--much less even look her in the face--was well, quite awkward. it got me thinking about all the friendships i've fucked up throughout life, and that was, as you can imagine, quite depressing.

anyway, thank god jason tolerated my insanity, and thank god for russ and cara. i was really happy they were there...otherwise i may have taken drastic measures. it was also nice seeing molly and alice and ellen and deke and sam and brad and DAVID BRARREN (i thought he had dissappeared!)...yeahhhh. so, in short, i'm fucking happy my experience as a debutante is over.

what else? i dunno. everything i've written in this entry is quite rambly and depressing...perhaps i am being too harsh. the break wasn't really that bad i guess. i mean i liked seeing my family and hanging out with my brother and jason + the few friends i got to see....and getting jaguar on my computer again and and buying some more seven jeans heh.

i was just...happier to get back here.

10:18 am - 2002-12-02


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