allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


dah dah dah

musique: air, "playground love"

so i'm home, and i'm wearing my new pink corduroys that i searched so long and hard for.

christmas vacation, so far, has been a waste. i have done little more than sleep, spend money, and watch tv/movies (friday it was the anna nicole smith show, trading spaces, and southpark; saturday it was half of "jawbreaker" and all of "ten things i hate about you"; today it was most of "national lampoon's european vacation"....don't make fun of me, those were all on tv).

at least my parents can't say i've been avoiding my family...i haven't even really gone out, save thursday, when i went to cafe coco, tower, and my grandparents' house...with my little brother. i hung out with jason, which was nothing short of traumatic and i hung out with adam, which was surprisingly un-traumatic. i'm scared for bill and co. in murfreesboro. meh.

i've been spontaneously losing weight though, which is nice. i got my hair cut again. there are no yoga classes bc it's christmas...where are all the goddamn buddhists? my mom is becoming martha stewart--my house looks like the fucking north pole. yeahh.

well i guess i've dished out all the shit you need to know if you're interested in stalking me. oh yeah, my exams were easy...i don't deserve to get A's but i do. matt and i had a huge fight but things are better now. it was fun hanging out with evan. i miss allison and hope she feels better. matt w, your xmas present is on the way.

oh, and i'm supposed to hang out with rip now...wish me fucking luck.

4:40 pm - 2002-12-23


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