allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


A for effort and B for delivery

yesterday it was so warm that i wore a short-sleeved shirt at night. today it is so cold that i refuse to go outside. damnit, i have been denying that the season of winter exists ever since i got back to boulder. global warming, don't fail me now.

it has been a lovely weekend, despite people trying to get on my nerves and despite my father being an ass. the former comment deserves no comment, but the latter is the reason that i was in boulder all weekend when i should have been in aspen. whatev.

anyway, other things made up for it. menstrual flow-age dampened my enthusiasm for anything on friday, but matt and i managed to walk down to trident, play some chess, and drink apple cider. after that we watched "broadway danny rose" and then i was literally about to pass out.

on saturday we drove around in the mountains, looking for shacks and glaciers and such. i was being a lazy ass (i'm going to blame my crying ovaries for that), so we didn't hike or anything...but driving around is always more fun than moving your feet anyway. well, at least in my opinion.

oh yeah, also, i am learning how to drive a manual car! sort of, anyway.

blahblah. i came home and made myself glassy-eyed for a few hours (i kind of wanted to get high this weekend, but alas, high on life was the best i could do), chatted with alika about the marines and became quite frustrated, took a bath to relieve the the symptoms of captain bloodsnatch, and watched "metropolitan" with matt.

my life has become extremely lazy and dull. i love, love, love it :)

3:24 pm - 2003-02-02


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