allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


hi this is cat with country insurance

...but right now, i am pissed.

telemarketing is fun. am i demented for thinking this? and i was right, i'm pretty damn good at it. i figured i would get hung up on a lot, but pretty much every non-answering machine i got fell for the pitch. in the words of the bitch who trained me, "you have a very un-telemarketing voice. but that works for throws them off." heh.

i was still psyched to spend the rest of the evening watching monty python with evan and django. oh and playing cards, except evan and i sort of suck at that. oh and man when i got off work, it was so amazing outside. it had snowed and the bare trees were painted white. of course i'm still happy it's warm today...

well, i finished my aesthetics paper and i must say it turned out well. hopefully i will get an A on this one too. haha in a few minutes, i have a quiz on two articles about googling people...and people wonder why i decided to get a job. la.

time to go play for awhile.

2:58 pm - 2003-04-08


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