allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


the lonesome crowded west

mmmm. it's definitely 6 in the morning. i spent the night at evan's place and took him to the bus stop at like 5:00am. ahhh why did i not go back to sleep? i'm not tired for some reason. actually, i sat and watched the moon for a while. man, it is so amazing and huge...and 14% brighter than usual, in case you were wondering. sigh. i <3 colorado sometimes (trying to be nice so perhaps it won't snow on me this weekend hehe).

so yeah. evan is going home to philly for passover. i hope he has a good time...i made him a pretty good mix cd in between school and work and purchased some assorted vending machine snacks for him to eat on the plane heh. i believe allison is going to stay here this week...we ate lunch yesterday and she seemed pretty frazzled.

hmmm. perhaps i can convince her to come to the rollerskating party this weekend with me and adam. adam is cool and such (heh even though he likes hall + oates...), but i've never hung out with him without evan, so it would be nice to have someone else along...i'm sure i'll have fun no matter what though. heh oh yeah and allison did say adam is sweet looking or something.... seems like i've had a paper due like every day for the past couple weeks....i'm sort of glad this semester is coming to an end. yesterday i wrote a paper on the moral status of suicide (ooh and i get to meet my philo prof today to read it aloud hah), and today i get to write a fun fun fun journalism paper about databases and statistics and that sort of thing. the sad part is that i don't even mind doing it anymore...i swear, if you have a good knowledge of sentance structure and you can spell pretty well, college papers just write themselves.

oh this school. i can't wait to (hopefully) be at northwestern in a few years.

so work is going well. yesterday i thought i was going to kill myself because of the monotony, but then i got some leads and i felt better. perhaps i should be doing something more...stimulating...but i have this unfortunate desire to be perfect at everything i do. anyway, i guess i'll see how it goes over the next couple weeks...i could perhaps get another job to occupy my time once people clear out for the summer.

what else? oh, it was my dad's b-day yesterday, so i called home and such. i'm going home over memorial day weekend, and i'm actually kind of excited about it. it will be super cool to hang out with greg and pablo and will and possibly raf and maybe even jason or adam, etc. damnit i want to see leslie as well....and i want to know her tits url!!! heh. anyway yeah, i can't wait to linger in my gigantic bed and do the coffee shop crawl for a couple days. hopefully i will get to spend time with my grandmother as well....

ok. i am going to go pick out what i'm wearing today....yesterday i had a few embarrassing moments with an accidentally slutty wrap dress (i dunno why the fuck i was wearing a dress anyway...i guess because my cherry dress has provoked so many postive comments lately heh) kept unwrapping and showing tit and then blowing all over the place and probably flashing my crotch. hmmm. at least i was wearing cute underwear heh. i think today i will sport my pale blue lacoste polo and my lighter colored sevens that i always forget about. yep. sounds good.

6:02 am - 2003-04-15


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