allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


i can be a monster if i want to

hey look, it's 11:11! make a wish!

hmmm. i just got home from work. it's funny, tonight was the opposite of monday...when i got there, i got all these leads--in fact, like the second call i made was a success. time was passing so quickly, too. i didn't even notice when it was break time. but then, after i came back from my break, things went to shit...i didn't get any leads for like an hour. luckily, right before i left i got a few, so it all averaged out...but those last two hours seemed to drag on forever.

one thing i would have never expected about telemarketing is that the people who do it are generally pretty attractive and young. well, i guess this is boulder, but still...i mean this is a pretty major call center. heh. yeah. i'm lame. anyway who would have thought that the person you hung up on yesterday could have been some hot chick? makes ya wonder :)

so after that, i went to safeway...and spent like $100. i hadn't been to the grocery in forever, and yuppie food sort of got the best of me. example=for dinner, i just ate four little vine ripe tomatos, four greek olives, four melba rounds, and two mini babybel cheeses (you know, the kind that come in wax?)...oh, and organic grape juice. heh, yeah, i know...sort of weird. what would you call that? slacker gourmet? oh well, at least i have food now.

my skin is freaking out. i have like a zillion zits...but only on one side of my face, and only sort of in one place. i guess the changing weather may have affected it, but i have a feeling it's because i changed to another kind of birth control (well, either that or gwen put a hex on me because she is jealous of my skin haha). yeah, i know, hormonal contraceptives are supposed to make your skin better...but a few weeks after i started ortho-evra, my skin went insane. what sucks is that i think i'm going to stop ov-con too. it's that patch thing...i don't like it, and my sex life is not really warranting infertility on my part.

i should probably get to bed soon...i have class from 9:30-10:45, then i have to do some philo homework, then i have to do a little music report for my journalism class (yeah, random, i know), then i have to pick up a scholarship letter from the journalism school, then i have that scholarship interview...which i am really nervous about. hopefully i'll be done with everything by 3:00 and then i can chill out for a couple of hours before work. damn, i need to exercise too.

well, before i stress myself out any worse, i should remind myself that i finished the paper from hell today (the one about databases and statistics...specifically how declining abortion rates over the past decade relate to senator bill frist's partisan voting record on abortion rights contrasted with his actual beliefs about abortion, and how his past as a surgeon has affected them...yeah)....and on that note, i'm off to bed.

sweet dreams my friends,


11:11 pm - 2003-04-16


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