allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


so questionable

yay. i have no classes today. ahhh the flatirons are so beautiful and snowcapped. i must say, however, that i am quite happy it didn't snow ici.

hmmm. so after being off birth control for almost a week, i have lost some insane amount of water weight, my skin has become perfect, and i find myself more often in an excellent mood. AND i can smoke the occasional cigarette without worrying that my heart will explode or whatever that risk is...

i think i'm just never going to have sex again. heh.

man. aj and i got so stoned last night. then he ate all my food. then i made cookies. then he ate all of them. then evan came over. then i got to makeout. then i was very very happy :)

OH YEAH AND I QUIT MY MOTHERFUCKING JOB AFTER I PICKED UP MY PAYCHECK. i just couldn't handle it anymore...instead of adding to my life, it was making me insane. i will not have another job that does not enrich my life in more than a purely monetary way. i'm going to try to work at the children's center on campus. that would rule.

9:36 am - 2003-04-24


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