allmydreams's Diaryland Diary



first things first:

i'm afraid i have become so damn codependent. after my kung fu class tonight, evan and i ate dinner at foolish craig's...and in an attempt to be well, independent, i just dropped him off afterwards. i meant to spend the night in bed reading all of my books, but i ended up just finishing brief interviews with hideous men by david foster wallace and white noise by don delillo (and i'm not even sure if that counts for anything, because it was a re-read). so i really wish he was in my bed.

but back to my books, because i know you probably don't care about my sappy ass love life...

also on the platter are don delillo's last book, the body artist, and milan kundera's the farewell party (this version is edited by phillip roth too, which rules)...but as i said, i didn't get to read any more of those tonight. oh yeah...i still need to read the new(est) dave eggers book, but i haven't even gotten around to reading much more than the first few pages. i'm hoping august will bring me a lot more novel-gobbling time...especially when i'm in nashville and maine.

perhaps then i can get around to the rest of my self-imposed summer reading list...i'd like to read thomas pynchon's the crying of lot 49 and sherwood anderson's winesburg, ohio....and who knows what else. alright, i'm sure that anyone reading this is probably not interested in whatever i'm reading...and it's probably now been revealed that i am a huge dork. but least i'm literate heh (and i also apparently have a tendancy to say "probably" a whole lot).

hmmm, on a completely unrelated note, when i was walking home from class earlier today, a funny thing happened. i was crossing folsom, and this woman in a super ghetto car (think lots of chipped paint and revealed primer and filled with like five raggedy looking kids) was waving at me hysterically...and i'm pretty damn sure that it was my yoga teacher. i just thought it was a little weird--i guess i pictured her driving something more along the lines of my jetta, or a subaru stationwagon...something extremely boulder (you see, boulderite "buddhists" tend to eschew consumerism only when it is extremely convenient...i.e. they can avoid buying namebrand processed crap at safeway by subsisting on overpriced tofu and rice from whole foods instead). anyway, props to her for driving a p.o.s.

and on that note, goodnight.

10:43 pm - 2003-07-22


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