allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


i wanna borrow your boyfriend

this weekend:

friday=saw spellbound with danielle and adam and evan at chez artiste, a sort of ghetto movie theater in bumfuck denver.

saturday=ballet class, got sick, read most of a book for my anthro class, felt better, ate some pretty gross kfc with danielle, adam and evan...hung out with allison...went to a party at lost lake with rip and evan. had a fun time seeing dave. the lead singer of dressy bessy thinks i'm a doll.

today=escaped the boulder heat and went to nederland with evan...ate indian food/enjoyed the much colder air. went to central city to see the casinos that will be home to my 21st birthday. sweeeet.

i <3 evan.

it is now time to begin operation move cat out of her shitty apartment!

8:02 pm - 2003-07-27


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