allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


since you gave up the drinking

what made my day:

-freshly showered evan

-lingered in bed like an hour after the alarm went off (hmmm too bad that still meant getting up at 8:15)

-managed to drag my unshowered body to the senior center in time to be able to take the hop to campus (meals on wheels owes my ass)

-rocked my mass communication law exam, like the badass i am

-got to read more, now, again by elizabeth wurtzel in the 30 mins i had before delivering meals on wheels (i finished my test early because i am awesome)

-people on my route were actually home today.

-i got to take a shower when i finished, and i made it back to campus on time for my other two classes.

-in lit. and social violence, i got to listen to really depressing stories (it was actually fun, or perhaps...inspiring).

-in social and political philosophy, my teacher said, "i am so thirsty...does anyone have any gin? ...i feel like the ancient mariner!"

-i got an A and some very nice remarks on my jonathan kozol essays.

-i get to go home now!!!

-i get to eat tombstone with evan pretty soon!!!!!!!!!!!!

-life is swell :)

4:49 pm - 2003-09-25


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