allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


a valediction forbidding mourning

my insides feel like they are being put through some kind of medieval torture device. yes, that's right folks, it's that time of the month. i have several zits marring my otherwise smooth complexion, and of course i am suffering from severe bloating and cramps. to make matters worse, i just spilled a diet pepsi all over my crotch. sweet.

anyway, i got home from nashville yesterday. it was a fairly uneventful trip i suppose. i had a fun time hanging out with cara on friday night and making evan a demented looking stuffed animal on saturday night, but that's about all.

i ran into rip at the airport yesterday. he tried to talk to me like everything was fine between us, and when i asked why the hell he called my house twice in the middle of the previous night , he was like, "uhhh i called your house?" not that my discontent toward him caused him any harm...he just attempted to flirt with some freshman who went to my high school instead.

god. so he drunkenly called my house at 2:20 on sunday morning, and when my dad picked up, he just asked if he could talk to me like it was normal for him to be calling in the middle of the fucking night. and then he called back less than thirty minutes later, apparently forgetting that he had just called me, and asked my dad if he could wake me up. when my dad asked if it was an emergency, rip just said, "oh, no, i just haven't talked to her in a while."

WHAT??? jesus, if he wanted to fucking talk to me or hang out with me over break, he could have called me at a reasonable hour at some earlier date. but 2:20 and 2:45 am the day i was going back to boulder? right.

this is just another blatant example of why i no longer have any interest in being his friend. i'm fucking sick and tired of him complaining to gwen about how he tries to get in touch with me all the time and i'll never hang out with him and he's so depressed and wah wah wah. first of all, the only times he tries to contact me are similar to the aforementioned example. second of all, yes, of course i don't call him back, because it's not worth my time to listen to him complain about worthless shit.

basically, i don't have time for pathetic people in my life.

12:20 pm - 2003-12-01


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