allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


two characters in search of a country song

on the three year anniversary of its conception, i have officially lost interest in this diary. granted, i enjoy using it for reference; it's fun to look back and see what i was doing two years ago, or even two months ago. but i've been increasingly drawn to writing in a real diary that no one else can see. i just think it's better that way.

this, i believe, will be my last entry. but i'll go ahead and blab about the goings on in my life anyway, because i don't feel like going to bed just yet.

first of all, i've decided that the da vinci code by dan brown is an insult to literature. suddenly every lame person in the world is reading this book, thinking it makes him or her hip and well-read. news flash: you suck. die. keep yourselves contained in the nearest barnes and noble.

if you, fair reader, do not fall into the aforementioned category, i highly recommend checking out the professor of desire by philip roth. i picked it up last week and actually got around to reading it in a couple days...quite sexy. i suggest reading it before bed. though perhaps through slightly degrading stylings, it made me feel good about my body.

i bought some new books at the trident on friday afternoon. i've mostly been reading hotel pastis by peter mayle, but i've been reading a couple pages here and there of a novella called the thief by saul bellow. haha i also got a book by spalding gray that i secretly read when i was much younger...turns out he's missing now. strange fellow.

i got my hair cut on friday as well. i don't really know what came over me, but i felt like my hair was pretty damaged and screwy. i guess that's not surprising considering that i hadn't got it cut in about seven months, but i was quite surprised when the woman who cut my hair said it was in the condition of hair that had been cut about seven weeks ago.

i guess my obsessive overconditioning paid off.

anyway, i just got a couple inches chopped's nice not having bangs anymore and it's even nicer finally having a haircut that doesn't need to be blowdryed. and my new mop pear shampoo and leave-in conditioner smell pretty rad, too.

hah so the woman who cut my hair happens to be the owner of the salon, and i was asking her about how she ended up in boulder. it turns out she used to work for the pacifica radio network and now she writes plays. i thought that was sort of cool, though she was so boulder-y it was almost unbearable.

i can't believe this is my last full semester of classes. i can't believe soon i'll be looking for a job.

at least this semester seems to be a bit more low-key. my journalism classes are pretty decent, particularly media ethics and my reporting class. media ethics is taught by liz skewes, my advisor, and i'm basing my honors thesis project around the class. about half of the class is in the graduate program and i can tell they're assholes, but whatever.

my reporting class is really small and it's focused on feature writing, which is definitely closer to what i want to spend my time doing than my public affairs reporting class last semester (city council meetings, at least in this town, are not my bag).

i also think my spinoza class is going to be awesome. my prof, a borderline obnoxious metrosexual with a british accent, at least promises to be entertaining. the class was cancelled on friday though, which i didn't mind because i had time to waste on the pearl st. mall.

mondays and fridays are generally nice; i only have two classes, one of which is campus press so it barely counts. of course having no classes because of a holiday is also nice. hopefully i will whip my room back into shape and finally enjoy the bottle of wine i bought last TUESDAY.

oh, jesus. allison was in town last week! we went to some bars on thursday night and it was very fun, but also very sad. she left for sweden on friday. it was really nice seeing her though, along with jose and garrett (and BEEBE!) and berto and all of those people. i almost wished raf was there.

besides that, i don't really have much else to tell. lately my life has consisted of drinking gin and tonics (though i've come to realize that every bar in this town blows), cooking or starving (depending on how recently i've been to the grocery store), and working on forming normal sleep habits.

and i bought some sexy underwear and camisoles at banana republic. and a green suede belt. and a sexy black top. and a black polka-dotted clutch. i believe that is all.

well, i'm finally tired and extremely thirsty. so i guess this is goodbye. don't be sad.

12:15 am - 2004-01-19


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