allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


she was out back counting stars

hello all. after several failed attempts, i have decided to create this diary. i've become addicted to reading other people's entries so i figured what the hell. i'll tell you about me first: i live in the lovely city of nashville, tennessee... it's okay sometimes, but mostly downright boring. i go to an all-girls school where i am a senior, and i turned eighteen earlier in january. right now, i'm in my last day of a full-time internship with a weekly paper owned by village voice media--it's called the scene. it's been so cool, but unfortunately it's back to school on monday. my best friend liz is getting home from london tonight so i'm excited about that. what else? i have a boyfriend named adam, a bunch of siblings and a very awesome cat named michael. listening to music is one of my biggest hobbies, and other than that i like art, creative writing, shopping, being a coffee house snob, and school. yes, i like school. this year i have turned into a huge perfectionist nerd. but that's ok -- i was a slacker for many years before. hmmm, it's not very interesting to talk about those things... so yeah. i dunno, my entries will get better.

11:43 am - 2001-01-19


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