allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


i wanna be sedated

well i just got home a little while ago. an interesting night it was.

the plan for the day was this: go shopping with liz, work out, go see bill's band with liz, go to rio bravo and then go to the cast party...well...

so we went to the mall...i got a really cute pinky-purplish colored skirt, a black halter top, and a light blue t-shirt from abercrombie...then we took adam home from we were leaving his house, we noticed a weird sound coming from liz's car...and after awhile, as we were turning on to harding place, liz's car started jolting a bit, causing us to have to pull over to the side of the road...her tire was flat...completely flat, down to the hubcap...and to make a long story short, her dad changed it, but i got home way late, which messed things up a bit....

we finally got out around 8, got lost on the way to joe's diner, were told by a cop that east nashville was not somewhere we should go, and gave up...then we headed over to rio bravo...

like a zillion people told me they serve anyone there...and well, it's true...but i'm a wuss so i stuck with diet coke...liz had a very yummy looking strawberry margarita, though.

that took forever, but afterwards, we were on our way. we ended up at the cast party and i was pretty uncomfortable at first. i believe i was the only non-thespian there...and not wearing emo glasses or converse...but anyway, after awhile it was really fun. everyone else's drunkeness rubbed off on me and eventually my reserved nature floated away into the night...i actually thought i was drunk myself hah.

i bonded with evan hagemeyer, played some weezer and ramones, witnessed william kaminski's first drunkeness, watched liz be crazy with william's emo glasses, talked to james patton, jammed to some new wave classics, watched some people inhale alcholic gases, etc was a fun night...unfortunately, due to liz's mom calling my mom, we couldn't stay out as late as originally here i am.

liz was complaining about wanting to go back, so i called brad since i saw he was at whitney's and he came and got she is over there and very drunk, too. she better not get me in trouble, damnit. why do i always feel the need to be responsible?

in other news: thursday-guitar lesson, went to the orchid avec mes parents, yesterday-chilled w/adam and jacob and his new chick, tabitha, saw saving silverman, ate falafel...yum.

that's about all. church tomorrow. i need sleep. i have to wait for liz to call me before she is coming back to my house...DAMNIT!

2:33 pm - 2001-03-11


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