allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


for the damaged

hey. no entry for awhile...i've been's the rundown:

friday: came home from school, intended to go to the Y but must have subconsciously not wanted to...fell asleep until 5 or so. got up, got dressed, went over to adam's house then headed off to thoroughbred 20...saw more freaks and mullets than usual. saw "the mexican" was alright--for some reason the more i think about it the more i realize i didn't like it. but it was funny, and it had a cute message...but it was sort of an action movie? after that we went to sonic and then went back to adam's house and played sega and hung out. left there around 12, saw brad's car at whitney's house on the way home so i ended up chillin over there until like 1 with them and cameron parks...heh it was interesting. i could tell brad was getting antsy or something from being over there too long.

saturday: adam came over a little before noon and then we went to a meeting at the scene. i think it went well--only 5 of the 8 people i asked to do it showed up but 2 of those who didn't cleared things up with me. i hope everything with the scene works's going to be a big task! after that adam and i spent the rest of the day was our 6th month anniversary...we went to off 12th and i got a blonde redhead cd i've wanted for awhile and the guy working there was like, "you're a pangaea shopper! i recognize you from when i worked there about a year and a half ago!" that was weird...i pondered over buying some joan didion at the bookstore next door but alas, i was already almost broke. then we went to dalts, back to adam's house to drop off his car, talked to his mom, came back to my house...rejoiced as my parents left for the masked ball, saw liz's play, went to fido, hung out at his house again...yeah. sort of got in a fight on the online.

sunday: went to the tin angel with my fam for lunch (thank god not chinatown), went shopping with my mom and got in a fight because i'm not skinny enough to be her daughter...well not really but basically...came home, tried to sleep off my bad mood, did homework, talked to adam...etc.

monday: school=boring, history test=easy, english test=eek! i thought it was only over the last 2 stories in "go down, moses" but it was over the whole book...i probably got a B but still...i didn't feel prepared. after school i was forced into a rushed workout at the Y because afterwards i had to shower and go to my church for our church directory picture...yuck..the photographer's name was "dewayne" and he reminded me of chris jamieson. it took forever. then i cleaned my room, did my homework, talked to adam.

tuesday: boring school again, went to target after school. it was so weird--i saw anna russell kelly when i was walking in, then molly ledbetter, then jennifer harris...all from my class at ensworth. it was weird because i never see the latter two. it was weird because at ensworth, i was good friends with jennifer and molly...especially jennifer...but not really with anna russell. yet when i saw them, i felt normal around anna russell, who goes to school with me still...and completely awkward around jennifer and molly. i guess because i never talk to them anymore...molly seems like such a typical new england boarding school type...ultra casual, no makeup, oxford shirt and dark colored wool pants...going to the bahamas and palm beach for SB...i can just see her wearing lily pulitzer and mingling with her parents' friends. too weird. she used to wear clothes from delia*s. i asked them both about college...both going to UNC... anyway, i got some awesome stuff from target, came home and read JANE and seventeen, took a nap, went to aeroboxing, did my homework and talked to adam. boring day.

now: people in my grade i really won't miss next year are babbling about slutting themselves in cancun, i started a new painting today, etc etc. i don't have any classes until after lunch. ahhhh, the life of a senior.

misc: see this month's NFOCUS for a "style file" profile or some shit of my mom. awww what a socialite. how cute...or something. i explained to adam that these women choose to answer the questions in 1 of 2 ways...there is the "humble" socialite who tries to appear modest and down to earth. then there is the pretentious socialite who rambles on about how posh she least my mom picked the first type. blah. a dumb ho from my school might be on the real world. actually she's not dumb but still she's a cheerleader ahhh. what a good stereotype of my school i'm sure she will give. maybe she won't talk about it. ugh.

today's list:

my top five favorite poets:

1. neruda

2. rilke

3. auden

4. pound

5. bishop

i'm out....


9:55 am - 2001-03-07


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