allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


do the humpty hump

long time no talkie.

i saw a white mercury mystique again today. bleh.

so much to say, so little desire to say it. i started to update the other day, accidently deleted the entry when i was practically done and then i got really mad. and now even though most of you probably know the major events that have occured in this past week and a half or so, i'll now recap them for you and you can read on or die, bitches!

the wednesday before last wednesday: the last day i wrote a real entry, the best of nashville issue of the scene came out and all my entries got published, i went shopping, la la la.

the next day...thursday...guitar lesson, scene party at havana lounge with leslie boehms and adam (this would have been more fun if i could have gone later and stayed later, and taken advantage of the open bar...unfortunately, as i mentioned earlier, my parents were also invited and in attendance), went to the talent show at my school. cara seriously blew the house out, she is just an incredible singer and bill's band was awesome as well. afterwards things went downhill...

adam apparently was not satisified with my behavior that evening...he thought i was avoiding him, i don't we started this big discussion, i got kind of upset and decided hell, the time is now...and i broke up with him. i don't need to go into it anymore--there were other things too, but basically, as drastic as it may have seemed, i wasn't as happy as i was in the past, i missed my friends, and we're going different places next year. i'm sure 99% of those reading this have already heard that from me in person anyway.

honestly i've been alright since then. here's a rundown of last weekend: kicked things off in classic high school style with liz and some cigarettes at the back of woodmont, went to whytehog with evan and met up with everyone in the world that i wanted to see, had lots of fun, went to steak'n'shake and tried chicken fingers (ten years of vegetarianism down the drain yeah!), went to john voight's house yeah...saturday went shopping at cool springs with liz, went to venus and mars, bought shit, went out to dinner with adam (which kind of sucked and was very awkward), met up with bill, sat on top of love circle, met up with all of his test tube baby friends at matt crane's appartment (hahahhahahaha), listened to his neighbors play some awesome music, tried bacon at waffle house...yeah yeah yeah. sunday was spent in bed. nothing cool happened that i can remember.

school week was a blur. i may have finally become a slacker again...not that it really matters, or that i even have any real work. i'm kind of tired of being studious anyway. i even didn't really read or take notes in history on thursday...unheard of! i'm always the one who knows all the answers and everyone wants me to shut up because of it...actually i still did anyway because we're discussing the sixties. yeah. besides that, i worked out a couple times, went shopping and bought some shirts...i don't remember now.

oh yeah we had off campus lunch on wednesday. i went to el palenque with sarah and mickey and liz and i had chicken again yum. then i met up with kym and cara at subway and we went to woodmont to meet evan. kym got her car stuck on the curb because she is an idiot (i still love her anyway) and i was afraid evan thought i was insane or something. i dunno. i was kind of embarrassed even though i didn't do anything.

on thursday i was just worn out. i stayed up too late talking to evan and raf on aol the night before. blahblah. i finally picked liz up around 9 and we met up with the forts, anne, deke, jake and co. at burton hills and uh tailgated it or something in the rain in way too many jeep cherokees...then me and charlie and mark and anne and liz went to see "joe dirt"...pretty dumb but funny and i'm sad to say i got the sniffles at one point. what can i say? i love mullets.

afterwards we had fun with the sticker-making picture thing and went to krystal, crammed into the jetta and chilled in the pouring rain.

yesterday...friday...slept most of the day...went to try on my graduation rules, i want to like get married in it. ummm sorry i'm being boring here. eventually i pulled myself together and liz and i went to satco and observed some stupid fifteen year old hoes slutting themselves for free food. what a wonderful world. after that we went to guster, which i thoroughly enjoyed. i saw adam there which was kind of weird at the time.

afterwards, we met john mayer, the opening act and then we left...liz got this weird message on her cell phone that said to call this random number because we won free backstage passes and we were like ummm ok but we decided to go check it out, and as fate would have it, we ended up meeting the lead singer in the alley behind 328 and we got hugged and everything. oh yeah that damn message was from cory's stupid boyfriend.

blahhhh we drove around downtown, went to jj's market, went home. i had a big fight with adam. i think things are ok now.

today i went shopping, bought sexy clothes, spent most of my paycheck from the scene. tonight i saw "bridget jones's diary" and i actually liked it a lot and i cried a lot and yeah..then liz and rachel and i met up with liz's friend from camp and we ate dinner at caeser's. yum italian food. gnocchi....yeah. we kidnapped brad, drove around, and met up with mickey in the hh parking lot.

that's all.

i'm too out of it to go into any more detail. happy easter everyone. someone come with me to tower tomorrow, today, whatever. i need some new cd's and i've still got a bit of money burning a hole in my pocket. bye.

"sing me to sleep, sing me to sleep, i'm tired and i want to go to bed" ~the smiths

12:29 am - 2001-04-15


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