allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


she's leaving home

so where was i?

saturday, the wee hours of the night i believe. i went over to matt's apartment and as soon as i got there, chris made me come with him on a beer run...i didn't want to get drunk but i went with him anyway because he rules. i saw leah and cat and corinne at the gas station...and guess what? they were buying beer too hah. at least chris is actually 21. anyway, that was all random babble.

the entertainment began as soon as matt and chris' neighbor's party got fired up. it was quite an eclectic mix, but i thoroughly enjoyed myself, along with the fact that my curfew and my obligation to "check in" with my parents is completely gone. i had a lot of fun. i felt all posh because my hair was still nice and after prom i put on my favorite black dress and i looked hot hah.

so i finally dragged my ass home a little after 3:00, went to sleep, woke up...yeah.

i went to lunch with the fam, came home, fed my neighbors' cat, went to target and spent all the money i made, came home....i swear i did something else...

oh yeah, took a really long nap, went to walgreens, and then came to school for the ap english review session...came home and did a half-assed job of studying, but it was okay, because i'm pretty sure i rocked the exam. i'm just smooth like that.

so this week, during school, i've essentially done nothing. no classes, no homework, nothing...just watched a lot of movies and had a lot of free time. it's almost annoying...wait, shut up catherine!

on tuesday i cleaned my whole house and then i went to see "titus" with bill, cara and russ. i didn't really think i'd like it, but it was so well done and i actually liked it a lot.

yesterday was an awesome day.

1. came to school

2. frantically attempted to make two sculptures for my ap art portfolio

3. left school with liz at 10:00, went to dollar general (haha it was pretty cool) and to pre to post modern, which is the coolest store ever. liz was looking for seventies furniture for her play and i wasted some $$ on a vintage scarf (i've been buying waaay too many lately), a book called "the art of kissing", and get this...a silver butterfly earing tree haha. i need it i swear!

4. met cara at med. cuisine. smoked some apple tobacco out of a hookah (heh that was pretty cool), came back to school a little before 1:30...

5. screwed around in american history, watched a movie about vietnam that made me cry damnit!!!

6. came home, came back to school to get slides taken, woman didn't show up, called liz and she came back to school too...

7. sat around in ms. klocko's office and waited for liz to hurry up and finish her theatre problem ramblings...

8. went back to 8th ave with liz looking for milk bottles, didn't find any, went to the mall instead

9. came home, finished the awesome two volume compilation cd i started making for liz the other night (got a bit weepy again, ah, the memories that are triggered by songs like "the humpty dance")

10. worked on graduation invitations...ahhhh

11. made some couscous

12. talked on the phone

13. talked on the online

14. fell into a deep, deep sleep... was productive in a kind of slacker way.


today has been boring. i'm out.

10:39 am - 2001-05-10


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