allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


louder than bombs

i woke up at 8:30 this morning to the sound of my roommate on the phone. minutes later i found out it was rip, calling to tell me that the world trade center and the pentagon had been hit with airplanes. you know when someone wakes you up with bad news, and you aren't quite all there yet...and it casts a bad shadow on the rest of your day? well, that's how i felt for a while.

i laid there talking to him, not wanting to be i just stayed motionless, in a daze, and we listened to the news unfold. what the hell? this isn't supposed to happen in america. in my last entry i said that sometimes i feel like life here is a movie...because it's so beautiful and everything is beyond my expectations. today was the exact opposite of that, and i learned that different means certainly can yield the same results...

this cannot be real. this only happens in big budget hollywood movies. but it is real...and it's fucked up.

right now i wish i was still in high school that i had woken up at 7:00, nashville time, and arrived at school at 7:45, and that i could have found out about this with my friends around me and i could have had more people to talk to. i wish that my teachers that i knew so well and loved were here and that i could talk to them...and my parents, and my little brother. i wonder if everyone i know in new york is okay...

this afternoon things were getting better but then tonight we had a hall meeting which got me down again.

thank you adam for sending me mail.

i miss my bed and i miss my room. i miss cafe coco, i miss nashville streets. i miss harpeth hall, and all my friends now spread around the country. i miss my family, i miss my cat...i miss everything that is familiar and everyone who knows me all too well.

8:01 am - 2001-09-11


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