allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


sing me to sleep

so i'm finally in college. wow i haven't written in awhile...but today it was cold and rainy in colorado so i stayed home and played with my computer...only to stumble upon olivia's website. i hadn't looked at it in awhile and it inspired me because it rules. anyway.

(plus i'm sure you guys are all just dying to know what i've been up to)

this is completely different from and yet exactly the same as how i pictured college to be. it's different in that it's not how i expected it to be in a real life sense. and yet it's exactly the same in a stereotypical college movie kind of way.

sometimes i feel like this isn't real. the sun shines too much and the sky is too blue. the mountains are too beautiful. the parties are too plentiful. my dorm room is too nice!

but today it rained and brought me back to reality.

i'm really liking my classes so far...they are:

(1)contemp. mass media (for my pre-journalism requirement)

(2)philosophy in society (very cool)

(3)geography (because like 99% of people who come here don't take it in high school and i was one of them...merrr)

(4)anthropology (because i hate real science and plus raf is there to make sure i don't fall asleep)

(5)the history of jazz (because i didn't want to be too much of a slacker and only take 12 hours...and this class seemed interesting)

hopefully i will maintain my senior year-acquired high gpa standards.

i've been having lots and lots of fun here. i saw pedro the lion last night and got david's autograph...sounded reallllly good. my roommate, laura, is awesome, chillin' with raf and his friends is cool and there are actually some interesting people in my dorm, too...heh even though the majority are honors program dorks.

oh yeah, i've also never been in the presence of so much free beer in my life. but i was good this weekend.

tonight i hung out with this guy jacob. i met him a little while ago and the story of how we became aquainted is random and uninteresting but i'll just say it involves me ironing some pants at 12:30 at night and a dashboard confessional shirt he wore the day we all moved in. anyway, he's really cool and likes a lot of good music. i almost feel a crush developing but i should probably not encourage myself. anyway. enough of that.

well it's late as hell and i'm gonna hit the sack. we should do this again sometime, diary ;)


note: you can now email me at [email protected] and my new AIM name is acrossXtheXsea. write me if you want my new cell phone # or my dorm room # and/or address.

3:18 am - 2001-09-09


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