allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


if arsenic fails try algebra

music: the shins, "oh, inverted world"

last night as i was falling asleep i thought of something really profound that i wanted to write about...of course i didn't, because i was tired and didn't want to get up...but now it's lost and all i can say is "damnit."

in other news, i spent yesterday afternoon frantically copying kelly's notes in the library and occasionally being distracted by jose. i finished, went to my recitation, got back my paper (oooh i got an A), and went to chey ho and got back my notes from dan. yes, mission accomplished.

later i went out to dinner at the shitty chinese place with rip. fun stuff.

i spent the remainder of the night finishing "skinny legs and all" by tom robbins. it's the best book i've read in awhile. i recommend it to anyone who is a woman, southern, horny, an artist, intrested in politics, religion, or middle eastern cuisine. i, being a bit of all those things, found it entertaining beyond words. anyway.

i think what i wanted to write about had something to do with it...but as i said before, i really don't remember.

here's some good news though: so right before i left for college, i went to the gap and bought these jeans in a size 8. i always wear a size 8 at the gap (heh in case you ever wanna buy me something....) and actually already had another pair of these same exact jeans, so of course i didn't think to try them on. so a couple days later--actually the night before i left for colorado--i ripped off the tag and put them on. ok so maybe i should have tried them on. hopefully due to a sizing error, they were definitely too small...i couldn't take them back since i threw away the receipt and had already removed the tag. so later that night i threw them in my suitcase, hoping one day i would lose five lbs or so and be able to wear them. HELL YEAH that day has finally come :) i hadn't tried them on in awhile (i've had a couple failed attempts in the past few months) and so since i had like no clean pants this morning, i decided to give them another chance. and they fit! not a little too tight (though most certainly not too big...that would have been really cool though) but perfectly! anyway, i don't know how or why i lost weight, but yeah...that just ruled.

unfortunately the rest of my day before my history of jazz class was quite hectic. my printer has quite the mind of its own and lately isn't working for some reason...and today i had to turn in two concert reports in class. since my class wasn't until 12:30, i didn't bother printing them out last night....merrr. so i print one out on my roommate's computer and it works fine. then the second one just wouldn't open....not as an attachment through email, not even when burnt onto a cd (yes, i wasted a whole stupid ibook doesn't have a regular disk drive) i frantically ran to the library, had to fucking set up an identikey account so i could use a fucking computer (this wasted like 7 minutes because it takes a while to get processed), then finally opened the damn thing, printed it out (might i add that this print job was of substandard quality...but oh well), and sprinted to class. i was about eight minutes late, but class hadn't started because people were filling out FCQs, getting review sheets, and turning in their i made it. but damn, i was quite frantic.

anyway class was alright. i'm not worried about that exam at all really but i'm studying with keith on friday night. so then i trotted back to my lovely dorm, saw jose on the way (whoah that rhymed), ate lunch, and as usual i'm doing jack shit. but actually now i'm FINALLY going to do my laundry and start studying and yeah...

this week is going to be over before i know it.

2:57 pm - 2001-12-13


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