allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


merry fucking christmas

hmmm i know it's christmas eve/early christmas morning, but i just have to bitch about this before it slips my mind.

so i just read adam's diary. yeah, you have a soul my ass. and that shit about ashley renner pisses me off...i'm sure she "forgot" to mention that the ONE damn letter from adam i ever showed her was one he wrote me at the end of the summer when i still had feelings for him. it was in NO way to make fun of him. and semi-pornographic pictures? riiiight. i posed for glen this summer but they're definitely art photos. yeah i'm not wearing a top in some of them, but in 99% of them i'm covering myself up with my arms or with the angle the picture is taken from. i'm sure she also forgot to mention that she, whether she actually went through with it or not, was planning on posing for him as well. adam, i just love how you swing from hating to loving people in the blink of an eye. if you weren't mad at me and ashley said that shit you would have just made fun of her and called her a shallow dumb bitch. and anyway, i hope you know that she makes fun of you every time i see her and she will most likely make fun of you again the next time i see her.

and that brings me to the rest of the stuff i want to bitch at adam about: first: you are a psychotic bastard. rip and i were NOT making fun of you, you were just fucked up (though i'm sure not as badly as you were acting) and paranoid. second: it is not possible that you were still fucked up from like one beer and 3 hits off a joint (and weak ones at that) twenty-four hours later. you are just a pathetic attention craving asshole. and last: chill out with the whole "i'm so emo and i swear i'm not a poser really." you are the biggest poser i know. you buy the majority of your clothing from j.crew. get over yourself. anyway, enough of that.

merry x-mas everyone.

3:37 am - christmas 2001


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