allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


i keep you

i just read leslie's diary and though her dream was quite troubling, i'm relieved that other people have dreams like that. i have similar dreams to the one she wrote about pretty much every night...and i almost always remember them in detail. i mean they aren't alway bad like that, but fucked up...and realistic enough to make me feel kind of weird and think about them when i wake up. blah.

i feel like i should write, but i have nothing much to say. i like all of my classes now that i actually know where they are heh...i had a little schedule problem at first but i worked that out. i feel like all of my classes compliment eachother really nicely and it's likely that by this summer i'm going to be a super liberal society/media hating activist. hah. just kidding...i think.

anyway. my ass is sore. i took an aikido class with rip and his new roommate todd. there was this hot foreign guy named stephan in the class as well and heh it was fun being thrown around by him. i love foreigners. anyway it was really fun and i'm going to get buff even though i just saw raf and he told me i'm not. damnit.

i hung out with justin for a bit last night and he seems, um, a bit more in that is good...

talked to matt for a long time the other night and that was fun...talked to will for a long time yesterday afternoon and that was fun as well...

adam sent me an apology. mmmerrr...

listening to the royal tenenbaums soundtrack...i'm obsessed with it i think and it's very good for walking in a slight mist of snow. such a good random mix of songs.

i'm happy to be back but i wish some parts of nashville were here too. and it feels funny to be nineteen. i hope i get to go snowboarding this weekend.

time to waste time elsewhere.

3:49 pm - 2002-01-16


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