allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


let's get it on

i was going to end my diary yesterday...on its one year anniversary...but well, i decided not to...and if you've got a problem with that, then well, fuck you :)

actually i got this email from some random girl who reads my that kind of changed my mind. i am going to start another diary though, on paper...because sometimes what i write in here isn't enough...because when others are looking you can never really be honest, right?

public diaries are weird. i don't use mine so much as a way of expressing myself, but rather a way to keep in touch with all mes amis around the country now that i'm no longer in yeah....anyway the point is i'm gonna keep on bitching for all of you :)

mmm i definitely missed the gloria record cd release party/show thingy on friday. oh well.

let's see...what did i do since i last wrote? hah oh yeah...i didn't get out of bed yesterday until laura and i went out to dinner at like 6:30 :)

i went over to justin's house and hung out and smoked a bowl and then things got funny between us and i decided maybe it was time for me to i got cyrus to come get me since i was supposed to meet up with him earlier anyway...

blah blah blah.

anyway justin was kind of mad. boys are weird. today rip and clayton and i went to the sink for lunch and then wasted the rest of the day shopping on pearl street and such.

oh yeah then rip and i worked out and lifted weights hehe...then came back and watched the new simpsons. tres bon.

anyway now i need to do what i've been putting off all weekend...clean my room, fo' sheazy!!!

8:01 pm - 2002-01-20


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