allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


let the good times roll

ok chef boyardee mac'n'cheese is officially disgusting. heh but at least now i have an excuse now as to why i can't finish a portion size meant for a five year old. i have a new theory as to why i can't eat anything though...i think it must be my pneumonia medicine. hmmm.

goddamnit i just want to like food again. eating a granola bar this morning made me so full that i had to lay down for like an hour. ugh.

so i'm getting all of my shit done, and that is good. my room is still clean. rip and i just went to target. yay i finally got laundry bags so i can sort out all of my damn clothes since like all of them are dirty. i'm officially on my last pair of underwear today, a quite skanky black mesh pair (heh which is not quite as bad as my sexually charged yet virginal roommate's black leather dominatrix-looking bra), so i guess you could say i've gotten kind of behind schedule. not to mention i haven't had socks for who knows how long now heh.

mmmk well i'm going to sort some laundry and then meet with this biatch about our sociology project. woohoo.

laissez les bonnes temps roulez.

1:54 pm - 2002-02-05


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