allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


i am cat

i'm pathetic.

i ran into ___ about an hour ago, after my music class, and made more of a fool of myself than usual. basically, i said "hi" and then i was like, "i saw that girl who rejected you" and he was like "jillian? greatttt." and then i said something along the lines of, "yeah ok, um bye, i'm going to buchanan's"...and he was like, "ok fine then...i just came from there" and i just kind of ran away heh. he was talking to these other 2 people and i was kind of afraid of actually engaging myself in the conversation because whenever i make eye contact with ___ i act like a dumbass.

he was in my dream last night too. as usual, however, it was a very fucked up dream that left a bad taste in my mouth when i woke up. heh anyway, so in the dream i found out my mom was a coke addict and she was trying to get me to do lines and shit and gave me all of this drug paraphanelia (i think this part came from reading a similar story in JANE) and then my (nashville) neighbors (who really are fucked up) locked me in their house and tried to get me to do strange drugs with them too. then ___ and raf came and saved me and ___ and i started to make out, but i got embarrassed because there were a bunch of people around we decided to try to find somewhere else to go, and for some reason i went back to my house and i said i would call him later...then i forgot and by the time i did call him, his answering machine said he was gone skiing and i got really sad. heh. see if i had actually talked to him earlier i might have told him that and he would have though i was a freak (probably).


so back to today...i went to buchanan's...and i ate a normal sized lunch! i think my hypothesis about the medicine was right though, because i forgot to take it this morning.

mmm oh yeah speaking of sightings, i saw sketchy eric delivering illegal pete's to someone at hallet and when we made eye contact he yelled out "nice ass", but i pretended not to recognize him or hear him (i was wearing headphones)...ewww.

bored. have another journalism quiz in about an hour...too bad i have no clue what's on it because we've literally learned absolutely nothing since our last quiz...oh well, i've done all of my reading so i should be theory, anyway.


wish it was the weekend. oh well i'm halfway done, right?

"it's good to love / for love is hard to find / but 'til love is realized / i can breathe you in / i can taste every moment / and the world in your patient eyes / it will wait 'til we have arrived / i'm so alive / and i breathe you in..." ~david mead

(yes i'm still listening to gay shit. "landlocked" is really good too...)

oh yeah, i got the "i am sam" soundtrack yesterday and it's also really good...beatles covers and such...


3:11 pm - 2002-02-06


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