allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


this night has opened my eyes

i ate half a pizza tonight, because damnit it's mardi gras.

i'm also wearing a tube top with no bra so i can flash the next hot guy who shows up at my door offering me beads.

heh just kidding about that last part...

i think i misjudged someone, and i feel kind of bad about it.

i dunno what that means though.

i've been socialized to be judgemental.

i've been socialized to think i'm too fat and too pale and my boobs are too big and that doritos are fit for human consumption.

i wrote a personal essay last night, and it sucked...but i edited it forever today and i think it's alright. i dunno. i'm going to keep looking at it for a couple days until i have to read it on friday.


i don't want to have a sociology test on thursday.

9:16 pm - 2002-02-11


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