allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


get your freak on

happy valentine's day everyone.

yay my sociology exam was least the part from lecture. unfortunately, laura and scott distracted the hell out of me while i was trying to study our boring ass book...but i still think i did well.

heh yeah, the bastards were drinking malibu and jack (heh not combined) all night and acting like maniacs...not to mention trying to get me to join in on their fun and games.

good thing i'm studious.

heh so this morning i woke up when laura was leaving for her 8:00 class (yes she's insane), passed out again, and woke up with just enough time to get to my 9:30. scott, however, was still passed out in her bed, which made changing and such more complicated than it needed to be. oh well.

anyway i have the room to myself until sunday night, because laura just left for cali with the lacrosse team. it will be nice.

heh yeah. so it's valentine's day. and i don't have a boyfriend, for the first time in forever. not that my valentine's days are like ever good anyway, but actually last year it was awesome. i had a well above par day doing jack shit at school and then eating pizza and watching american pimp with adam. not to mention i got a dozen roses, damnit.

well it's my mom's bday, so i should call her and say hi. at least it's not my bday today...then i would really be sad.

oh wait, shit, i have class now...and it's cold outside, like my heart :) damnit not to mention it smells like shit because it's about to snow...


1:48 pm - 2002-02-14


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