allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


we've got a war to fight

mmm so i think i lost my damn buff one card, so no aikido for me tonight.


i just painted my toenails a sexxxy shade of mermaid blue green. if only my hands weren't disgusting. i know it's pretty bad when rip tells me i need a manicure. it's just so damn dry here, so my cuticles get gross and my nails break easily. plus i never have any time...and for the most part, boulder manicurists suck.

heh anyway.

i saw ___ twice today. once from a far when i was in buchanan's and once on my way home. i'm pathetic heh. but rip told me he talked to ___'s friend sarah (she lives in chey ho too) and she said he "really likes me" or something. yay.

oh hell i'm going to go out on a limb here and say his name. jose. the mystery is over, "mr. underscore" (thanks rip) will now be a thing of the past.

last night i watched "friday" with ron. heh i can't believe i'd never seen it before. actually i had seen that one part where the trophy wife married to the midget is out on the lawn....but anyway. now i need to watch "next friday" :) nothing like ghetto humor laced with marijuana.

debating as to whether or not i should take a shower. probably going to hang out with jose later, but i don't think i look that dirty right now. my feet smell bad though.

ewww i smoked like 3 cigarettes today. there's a slight chance that i smell like an ashtray.

ahhh i saw my journalism class sorority girl doppelganger everywhere today. heh it's like she's me, except she goes to principal and school girl parties on the weekends.

it would be funny if i did that.

"even if they had a condiment themed party, those kinds of girls would dress up as sexy ketchup bottles." ~a girl from my sociology class

6:00 pm - 2002-02-28


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