allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


psycho tramp ho

yeah, so i'm in the library right now. damnit, i hate public computers and i hate the ones in this library especially...i always feel like someone is staring over my shoulder. actually, in general, i like to hide in the study pods when i'm here....but unfortunately those are all instead of reading about buddha, i'm going to write a nice little diary entry.

it's snowing today. yesterday i wished i had on a tank top and today i'm wearing a heavy winter coat. and tomorrow it's supposed to be hot again. damn you colorado weather and your fickle ways.

it's been a good day though. yesterday was just better. i woke up at jose's, came home and didn't have class until one, got out of every class early, got a 97 on my philosophy and religion test, watched "meshes of the afternoon" in my journalism class, got told i looked like a "beautiful angel" by devin, ran into jose when i was walking home, listened to every song on both whytehog cds, did like ten loads of laundry with raf and got scowled at by chinese people for taking a long time, came home and got drunk with laura and scott, and tenzing came over and played us lots of songs on laura's shitty guitar. i didn't go to bed until 3 am, but oh, what a lovely day.

today i felt the effects of chugging kalhua and not sleeping. but i made it to both of my classes--that's all that really matters, right? never mind the fact that i was like falling asleep in sociology (that's pretty much impossible)....but still....anyway.

so i'm here at the library, killing time until my doctor's appointment at 1:30. i just wanna make sure i don't have strep throat. well really i just want to get drugs or something.

i ran into matt's friend jason when i was walking in here. matt said he scored a lot of girls and when i met him at the bright eyes show i was like "ehhh", because he's this little nerdy indie kid...but i can kind of see why now. he's got the whole eye contact thing going on and it kind of gives him a weird sex appeal. actually, for some reason he reminds me of a mix between jose and joseph faison heh. anyway. yeah so speaking of jose, when i was talking to jason he walked by me twice and was just like "hey" and ran off...shady shady. maybe he had somewhere to be.

oh yeah. from now on i'm going to have a favorite person of the day...most of the time anyway (whoah that rhymed)...anyway today my favorite person is cara himmelfarb, for the following reasons:

1. she called my spring break a sabbatical

2. she likes good music like the white stripes

3. she's kind of antisocial like me

4. i wish her roommate wasn't a dumb ho

5. she's way too hot to be worrying about stupid test tube babies :)

well i'm going to go get un-sick now.

12:52 pm - 2002-04-02


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