allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


you want to hear some black sabbath?

i just sent an email to the daily camera telling them they better give me an internship this summer. next on the list is getting a job at urban outfitters as well.

all i really wanna do is like come home for two weeks and see liz before she goes to seafarer and see people graduate from hh and see everyone else, go to cafe coco, etc...but two weeks is all i need, because then nashville gets boring and my parents remember they hate me.

so if i could come back to boulder on like june 1 and have an internship at a paper and work at urban outfitters and live at raf's while he's gone for the summer....well it would be really damn cool. i would probably become a recluse because most people i know will be gone...but i think it will be fun. lots of good shows, not as many annoying cu students, good pot, no parents, etc etc.

now i just have to get the internship and the job...and tell my parents.

heh. well i can dream, can't i?

"the osbournes" is such a freakin' good show. oh yeah....everyone go to's the grossest thing i've ever seen (thanks liz heh)

5:37 pm - 2002-04-02


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