allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


rites of spring

i just finished writing my speech based off the research paper i wrote last week. the one i got a fucking A- on because my teacher admittedly holds higher standards for me than the rest of the class. um i guess that's ok, just don't tell me you would have given me an A if i was someone else in our class. but anyway.

last night was fun. i surprisingly finished my work early. i wanted to go to the spiritualized/brmc show...but oh well. i went to raf's house and drank too much wine for the second time this week and then i went to an "hour of power" party at chris chan's house with laura and berkely and scott instead. at raf's house i talked to allison a lot about raf leaving. we are sad. we should be better friends next year. blah. at chan's house everyone was really wasted. laura is so funny when she's drunk. heh we're like the perfect roommates. i met a dude who looks like rivers cuomo with blond hair. heh we exchanged screenames. how 21ist century.

god has anyone besides liz read that shit about christina hart in the scene? not only did i almost feel sorry for her because of how dumb and spoiled they made her sound, but that article was just horribly written. like, i was ashamed that i worked for them after reading it. i think i'm going to write a letter to bruce dobie about it...though it may be anonymous. bleh.

so earlier i was eating lunch in the UMC and who walked up and sat down next to me but fucking LUKE, this random guy i met at chan's house like the first week of school and totally clicked with...when i was wasted. we hung out like once or twice after that but it was beyond awkward because yeah...i dunno. i act very different when i'm sober. it was kind of weird between us today, but he wants to "hang out" this weekend. who knows. heh i gave him a motivational speech about school...i'm a loser, baby. please don't kill me though.

juicy fruit gum is excellent.

3:25 pm - 2002-04-12


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