allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


i'm gonna get real fuckin' drunk

i miss my family. earlier tonight talked to my bro and i sent my dad an e-card that played the beach boy's "i get around." heh i love my dad. he sent me back a greeting that played coltrane's "a love supreme." my dad wrecked his t-bird today. it wasn't his fault, but still...what a shitty thing to happen on your birthday.

blah. so last night was okay i guess. except when we were leaving denny's (yes i went there twice this weekend) raf stuck gum in my hair and i had to get it out with peanut butter. it really does work though.

who knows what's happening with jose. i woke up really late today and i didn't finish my philosophy paper early enough to go to his show. we need to talk or something. i feel distant from him. i don't know if he notices or not.

tonight i was really bored so i went over to chey ho and watched "requiem for a dream" with rip. i hadn't seen it in awhile and it really fucked with me. but it's funny how something so ugly can be beautiful in a way.

matt is drunk right now and it's making me want a drink myself. i got called a wino four times this weekend. that's a bad sign.

like mother, like daughter...right?

i wish liz was here so we could make wine journals together. someday. i wouldn't leave her alone to be slutty with med school students either.

12:33 pm - 2002-04-15


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